Shuji Hanma x Reader | My business

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"Not again..." I said as I stood in front of Hanma. He stood in front of me with a mischievous grin smoking a cigarette in his hand.

"What...?" He said tilting his head towards the side, enjoying the view of my frustration. He wasn't my boyfriend yet we shared an apartment, it was a situationship, a toxic situationship.

"Where were you?" I said nonchalantly, questioning him as the clock struck 1 am.

"None of you're business" he said with a grin, breathing out the smoke, walking towards me.

"Right, None of my business" I said sarcastically bored by the situation. I was sick and tired of his behaviour.

"You wish it was,don't you?" He said leaning in front of me for a few seconds, our faces almost touching. I was lost in his gaze, almost like in a trance but violently looked to the other side, with an unbothered looked.

"I couldn't care less" I replied. It was a lie and me and him knew it. I was certainly tired of his attitude towards me, however, I couldn't deny the fact that I did care for him and would have appreciated it if he returned the care and unexplained love that I had for him.

"Whatever you say" he said walking past me with an amused expression.

He made his way to the kitchen, I sigh before walking upstairs into our shared bedroom. Pulled my hair into a bun and slipped into the bed sheets.

I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realise Hanma had entered the room and joined me in the bed. I suddenly felt his arms wrapped around my waist, gently pulling me closer to him. He must have thought I was sleeping, however, I felt comfortable in his embrace, though it was only for a temporary time.

The next morning I woke up and he wasn't on the other side of the bed, it wasn't something new to me. It was always the same thing every day, he would leave early, just to come home late.

"Ting" The sound of my phone going off.

I picked it up and closely read the notification.

"You've been invited to Valhalla's party at XXXX at 20:30"

It was unusual for me to receive party invitations, I had stopped going to them ever since things between me and Hanma became toxic, matter fact we initially met at a club party.

What shocked me even more, was that it was Hanma's gang hosting the party. I knew it wasn't a good idea for me to attend however if it was sent to me so why not attend...

"I guess I'll go tonight" I said smirking a little.

At the Party

I knew Hanma would have probably been at the party since It was his gang hosting it. I didn't inform him that I was going to attend the event, after all, he wasn't my boyfriend. I was even sure that he was going to be in the crowd pretending he didn't know me.

I was wearing a black drawstring body-con that complimented my curves with some white air forces. I had my hair in a ponytail and was holding a small white bag.

Holding onto my bag, I walked through the large crowd. I made my way to the empty couches and sat on them, tired of all the walking.

"Isn't this Hanma's Girl" I heard a boy say from my side. I turned around to see who it was and it was a boy with black hair in a wolf cut style with yellow streaks, he was wearing the Valhalla Uniform, meaning he was a member of Hanma's gang.

"Huh" I said confused, making sure he was talking to me.

"yes you" He said staring into my soul.

"I'm not, you're mista-" I began to say but was interrupted.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I heard a voice behind me.

It was Hanma, he seemed shocked to see me there. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my seat.

"Who the fuck invited you?" He said almost furiously

"you should know, I got an invitation" I said rolling my eyes.

"Kazutora, What are you doing with her and who the heck invited her here?" He said eyeing the boy in front of us.

"Well I think I did... maybe didn't, I honestly don't know" He replied.

"Why would you invite h-"

"Why the fuck do you care, It's none of your Business, you're not even my boyfriend...I'm tired of all this bullshit" I said yanking his hand off my arm, walking away from him.

"But you're my business" I last heard him say, however, the music was too loud for me to be sure.

He stood there dumbfounded as I infiltrated myself into the crowd. I was already far from him on the opposite side of the club. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a gunshot. It was coming from afar yet it was enough to startled everyone in the room.

All of a sudden, I could feel myself being shoved to the side by the massive crowd who just like me was attempting to leave or find a safe place.

I followed the flow of the crowd thinking I could find a way out when another gunshot when out. Screams and shouts came from different directions, it seemed as if a conflict had broken out.

I found myself walking up the nearest stairs I could find, far away from the people and hid in the nearest empty room that I could find, closing the door behind me. My heart was pumping in my chest, I had nobody to rely on or to look after me, I was pretty much alone in this scary situation.

Lost in my thoughts, I could feel a presence behind the door. Trying to make as less noise as possible, I slowly covered my mouth, when the door suddenly opened...

It was Hanma, with a slightly beaten-up face. He looked up to see my frightened face and quickly grabbed me into an embrace.

"Gosh you're safe" He said almost relieved. This...this was the side of him that I hadn't seen in a long time.

"you weren't supposed to see this, you weren't supposed to be here" I remained silent as he embraced me, I slowly gave into the hug.

"Why do you care about my safety" I bluntly said. He remained quiet.

"Why do you sometimes act like you care for me just to treat me like a stranger, why do you keep hurting me, giving me mixed feelings... mhm?" I said as I allowed small tears down my cheeks, my eyes visibly pleading for an answer. His gaze softened a little.

"Cuz I do, I know I act like a dumbass most of the time towards you and though I act fearless, I'm scared of loving you, but most importantly to lose you" He said as he lifted my chin.

"I love you Y/n, I'm madly in love with you...and I want you to be mine" He said slowly leaning towards me

"Yes" I whispered under my breath, as soon as I answered our lips touched. He kissed me passionately as if he had been waiting for it. Butterflies started flowing through my stomach as I softened at his touch. We soon pulled apart.

"Let's get you out of here" He said before holding my hand, we moved around the corridors carefully as he made sure our backs were secure till we found an emergency exit. From afar we could see the entrance of the club filled with police cars. We walked to the parking lot where his car was.

"Ready to go?" He said with a slight smirk.

"Yes" I said with a small smile.

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