Rindo Haitani x Reader | "Not Guilty"

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"Hey baby" I heard Rindo say from the other side of the glass that separated us. He was in prison for committing 1st Degree murder along with his brother, trying to protect me.

I was currently in a private visitors' room accessible to me only, and though it was a strict maximum security prison, I had special connections that allowed me to access my boyfriend. Rindo was a powerful man, powerful enough to bribe people even in prison.

"How's the baby?" He asked with a warm smile, handcuffs around his wrist. I was Indeed 8 months pregnant, I only found out 2 months after Rindo ended up in jail. It was an incredible news for both of us, yet devastating as it was uncertain whether he would ever be out to raise his child.

"She's healthy, though she kicks a lot, I barely get any sleep at night...what about you and you're brother" I said giggling, looking at the baby bump, while rubbing my tummy.

"We're doing fine" He replied. There was still silence between us. I had run out of words, my mind had suddenly gone blank.

"I'm sorry Y/n" He said with a sad smile, he felt guilty and I knew it. The last thing he ever wanted was to miss out on your pregnancy and most of his time with his child and the mother of his child.

"It's okay, it all happened very quickly" I replied trying to comfort him.

I had to get him out, one way or the other I was going to get him out of that building. I couldn't think of a life without him, I  didn't want to raise our child all alone.

"I'm going to get you out of here, you and you're brother" I blurted out. I looked at him to find him smirking the way he would always do.

"Oh I know you will" He said.

"Times up" The guards said. Rindo slowly looked at him, sending him a glare.

"Eat Healthy princess, I'll see you in court next week" he said winking at me before standing up from his seat.

"You too, I'll see you" I replied as he got taken away from the guards.

The following week

I sat next to the various lawyers I had hired, they were the best ones in town, and I knew they couldn't let me down. I watched from my seat as the room quickly filled up with the various members of the court, including the Haitani brothers.

They were both wearing suits as they were brought into the room. They stood at a far distance from me, but were visible enough for me to see them mouth a "Hi". I waved at them in response, glad to see them alright.

There was great tension in the room due to 3 individuals. The public knew how powerful the Haitani brothers were and how powerful of a woman I was. I effortlessly had a great influence on the market which made everyone fear me, Rindo always found that attractive.

The judge walked into the courtroom making his way to the Bench, causing all the members of the courtroom to stand up as a sign of respect. I stood up however my pregnant belly made it hard for me as I was already exhausted. I stumbled a little, slowly sitting back down, earning some worried looks from the people next to me, who quickly attempted to help me sit back in my seat.

Rindo's eye's slightly widened at the sight of his fatigued girlfriend. His body automatically wanted to run to me to make sure I was alright, however, he couldn't the guards stopped him from reaching me.

"Let's begin this case" The judge exclaimed.

It had been 2 hours already, I was growing tired, however, my focus never left the ongoing trial while Rindo's eyes never left me. All he wanted was to be able to be with his family, even as I was standing not so far from him, the world had put restrictions on him. Ran, his brother, couldn't do anything but comfort him, knowing that they were seconds away from freedom.

"After several trials, In the case of the murder, the defendants are found... Not Guilty, we the jury drop any charges against the defendants. Thank you Jury, for your service today" the judge said, hitting his gavel before leaving the room.

At the mention of those two words "Not Guilty", my heart jolted in happiness. I embraced my lawyers thanking them repeatedly. I turned around to find Rindo running towards me with his brother behind him.

"Careful there" He said laughing as I embraced him. He repeatedly kissed all over my face before planting some kisses on my baby bump.

"I missed you" I said happily.

"I missed you too, the both of you" He said, holding onto me, placing a hand on my belly.

"Hey Y/n, Thank you for all your effort "  Ran said giving me a warm smile.

"Hey, I wasn't going to leave you there"

"How did they treat you, did anyone hurt you " Rindo asked.

"Nope, nobody did. Chill Rindo you just got out of Jail" I said laughing.

"They knew not to mess with you" He said smirking a little. "And now I can spend the rest of my life with you and our baby" He said planting a soft kiss on my nose, making me giggle.

"You sure can"

"and I'm going to be an uncle"  Ran blurted out behind us.

"you sure are" I replied.

We got back to our penthouse. While Ran played games in the other room, I and Rindo cuddled in our room. He gently caressed my belly the way he had been wanting to do.

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