Haruchiyo Sanzu x Reader | Obssessed with you

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"Look at you" I heard my fiance say behind me as I stood in front of my mirror.

Sanzu was the number 2 of Bonten, the current notable and powerful gang in the city, led by Manjiro Sano. Sanzu was powerful and excessively manipulative to most people around him, even to his own Boss, he had such an influence on him and everyone around him.

Except for me, I had such an effect on him it was hard for him to even think of manipulating me and even if he ever did, it never affected me. You'd think the idea of me being with him was because he had manipulated me to be with me, however, it wasn't the case. Our relationship was filled with pure love, a love that never faded and though he was the way he was, it never stopped me from loving him.

I slowly turned around to face him. I finished getting ready for dinner, the dinner we were going to have with the Bonten members. He had a smirk on his face as he eyed me up and down, checking my body out. It seemed like I had put a spell on him, that only I could break.

"What's wrong?" I said slightly smirking at him. He instantly pulled me in by the waist.

"Don't make me want to take that smile off your beautiful face" He said staring deeply into my eyes, lust filled in his eyes.

"I'm good thank you, now let's go" I said giggling.

"Alright, beautiful, let's go" He said planting a soft kiss on my cheek. His gaze had turned from a lustful gaze to a loving one.

We walked, hand in hand, out of the penthouse towards the parked Bentley. He opened the door for me, allowing me to get in before closing the door. I watched as he walked to the other side to the driver's seat, shutting the door once again.

He started the car, making our way to the headquarters. The whole ride, he had his hand on my thigh rubbing it slightly. It was his form of way of showing me love.

We got to the tall skyscraper, which had a private restaurant. I held onto his arm as he directed us inside. We were greeted by some members of staff, bowing to us. I slightly bowed back out of respect while Sanzu just stared at them,  before we walked past them.

"Stay here, I've got to talk to some people" he said. I nodded and he left.

I was wandering around, looking at the staff working their hardest. It was impressive to see so many staff members in the building. I saw a boy struggling to hold a massive tray of food and decided to help.

I walked up to him and held on the tray from the side.

"Let me help you" I said giving him a warm smile. He looked at me and shook his head hesitantly smiling at him, but I was too stubborn to let him do it on his own. It was normal for me to want to help, I usually helped the maid in our house even though Sanzu repeatedly would tell me to not bother doing so. We got to the table and carefully placed it on it.

"Thank you Miss Y/n" He said bowing to me.

"No, no, It's fin-"

"It's Mrs Haruchiyo and why did you let her carry that" Sanzu said out of nowhere causing both of me and the poor boy to look at him.

"I'm sorry Sir" He instantly said bowing to him.

"Sad of you to allow her to do what's your job" Sanzu proceeded.

"Sanzu, I offered myself, so don't make a big deal out of it" I replied to him. "Your welcome and I appreciate your hard work" I continued to say, speaking to the boy. I had such a bright and comforting smile, It was enough to warm the distraught boy.

Sanzu just stared at him unable to utter a word. He couldn't really say anything, the way you were so pure and kind, how could he ever challenge you? The way you had control of everything but especially on him, he found it attractive. He was obsessed with you. It was like the love between the devil and an angel.

We made our way to the dinner table, where most of the members already sat, having conversations among them. They greeted us before returning to their conversations.

Sanzu pulled a seat for me, I sat on it and he said "I'm going to see Manjiro, I'll be back" before leaving once again.

I sat there patiently waiting for my fiancé, watching as the room slowly filled up, and after moments of waiting, he entered the room with the "Invincible Mikey" in Infront of him.

He took a seat next to me while Manjiro sat perpendicular to the rest of us, facing us.

Kakucho stood up to give us an announcement.

"Before we start, I want to congratulate our fellow member for getting engaged to this beautiful woman. I hope and can't wait for the wedding, but until then let's feast on our successful business" He said earning a cheer from everyone in the room, even Manjiro Sano was clapping with approval. Sanzu nodded also in approval while I cordially bowed. Then the dinner began.

We were finished eating and people were having various conversations, from discussions about business to conversations about which team won the Football match tonight. Sanzu on the other hand, steadily caressed my thigh while talking to Manjiro about their current plans. I guess they were done as I saw Manjiro Sano standing up to announce his departure. I watched as he left the room.

"Are you still hungry?" Sanzu softly asked.

"Nope, I'm pretty full" I said slightly laughing and he chuckled.

"Do you want to leave now?" He asked and I nodded. I was pretty tired.

He stood up and told the others we were going to leave, they waved us goodbye and we left. Sanzu placed his hand on my back, directing us to the car.

We got home and I changed into my silky night dress, brushing my hair before placing it in a ponytail. Sanzu walked up to me, eyes fixed on me. He carefully observed me, almost as if I was a goddess.

"Sanzu, you need to stop staring at me like that" I said smirking at him.

"How could, I when I have such a beautiful wife" He said, emphasizing "Wife". He then picked me up, I instantly wrapped my legs around him with my hands cupping his face. We stared at each other in the eyes, lovingly.

"I'm so Obsessed with you" he said. We kissed passionately, a kiss full of love, lust and whatnot.

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