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Ten Thousand years Ago,

Ancient Egypt a great evil was rising, a threat that threatened the mortals and gods.

Ra being the sun god could not leave the A'ARU cause he had to protect all life from there and so he sent the great Ennead to stop this threat.

To stop one of their own, Shezmu had become a god killer.

He had gone to far and he was sacrificing other gods and mortals to increase his power and had built a temple and a mass of devoted legion of worshipers.

He was almost becoming unstoppable.

Bastet led the rest of the Ennead to stop him and it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the mortals she and Seth bestowed their power in.

Shezmu was obsessed with power and wanted to become greater than a Titan or Ra himself.

Power hungry.

The mortals now Sha and Lynx helped the gods and wounded him for the gods to finally come in and finish him.

Bastet cursed him to become wild without a form and never have worshipers and be forgotten from history.

Rene took his powers for all the pain he had inflicted on the mortals and fellow gods he had butchered to grow his power cause after all he was the god of death and he couldn't be killed.

" Do you see why Shezmu is dangerous, last time it took seven gods to put him down and that's why I have to go and become Bastet," Maya explained to her mother, Ivan and Emmy along with Ash and Ryan.

She was also on the phone on a video call with her father and brothers.

" while we also have Seth out here, it's a mess and I don't want anyone to get killed," Maya said to them.

" You need training to become powerful and once you are we will be protected," Sobek explained as he and Rene where also in the room.

" why are you here again," Ivan asked.

" To protect Bastet her power is growing and if we could sense her then Shezmu can or Seth, " Rene explained.

" That's why am going, don't know how long or when I will be back, " Maya almost cried as she looked to her mother who couldn't believe this was her daughters life.

" I need to speak to you," Ivan got up taking Maya's hands to another room to talk.

" I don't want you to leave," Ivan pleaded.

" He's very interesting he got an aura around him, how did they meet ? " Rene asked,

" He was a photographer and they that's how they met, " Emmy answered as Rene had not revealed she was with Seth in her apartment.

" I thought they met at the subway and went to the same school? " Sophie wondered as Rene could see everyone was remembering something different.

She found it odd.

Maya in the room with Ivan and things where not going well.

" I think we should break up, you see I have changed and I now I choose to focus on myself," Maya explained.

" it's that Sobek guy, but he's a crocodile," Ivan reasoned as Maya laughed.

" But am a lioness and it's not to with him but for myself, I want to find everything about myself, discover the good and bad, I want to discover Bastet. " Maya reasoned with him as he was broken.

" I understand and I will always love you," Ivan assured Maya who kissed his cheek.

" am glad you don't hate me," Maya smiled as they stepped out of the room and she hugged her mother.

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