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Seth and Emmy had returned to Egypt and they where in search of someone who practiced the ancient arts of Heka.

" Her name is Sonja and she is a mystical witch," Seth explained.

" What's so different about Heka and Magic ? " Emmy asked.

" Magic comes a gifted individual who is a homo Magus and Heka is ancient Arts taught to a few mortals by various gods. " Seth explained as Emmy was intrigued.

As they saw a woman standing out in the desert alone.

" Lord Seth," Sonja greeted as she bowed.

" You came with another Sha here ? " Sonja asked.

" Well she wanted to tag along and see more of this world," Seth explained as Sonja didn't understand.

" She recently turned into Sha," Seth explained as Sonja now understood looking at Emmy and seeing the change happening.

" I see the humanity leaving your body, when you die you return to lord Seth and he will get even more stronger, " Sonja explained as Emmy turned to look at Seth.

" My power will return to me that you have inside you, " Seth explained as Maya had fully understood.

Seth turned to Sonja to ask her for help.

" I need you to summon Shezmu for me, I feel he is near and wants to harm Bastet," Seth explained.

" Shezmu the forsaken, he might kill me for calling on him," Sonja refused.

" If you do this for me then I will be in dept to you and am a god we never forsake those who do right by us, " Seth spoke as his Ankh came out his hand and Sonja looked at it and Seth eyes.

She agreed.

" Let's begin, " she said as Seth and Emmy followed her to her cave and she got a fire started and asked for a living sacrifice.

" Shesmu is the lord of Death and the only way to call him is by bloodshed and death," Sonja explained as Seth looked to Emmy and she got scared.

" You called me here to kill me ? " Emmy got sacred as Seth laughed pointing behind her as she turned to look and saw a calf.

" I summoned it, I heard rumours that Shezmu original form was a cow and this might piss him off enough to show up," Seth explained as Sonja immediately killed it and very brutal.

Throwing the cows heart into the fire and the blood of the cow she used it to draw a circle.

" Shezmu Lord of Death, we summon you with blood and death, show yourself to us we are but your humble servants. We pray to you," Sonja prayed as she began a tribal dance around the fire as the fire burst growing bigger.

" What next? " Emmy whispered to Seth.

" We wait for him," Seth explained.

Meanwhile in New York Ivan was walking down an alley when he heard the prayer and could smell the smoke of the burning heart.

Someone praying in my honor, he couldn't believe it and he disappeared to go see who was praying for him.

" I am here my child you prayed and I came," Ivan spoke as he looked around to see the old woman Sonja and a big fire and the two.

" Ivan," Both Emmy and Seth shocked to see him.

" Shezmu, it's always been you," Seth believed it as he always had suspicions.

" I can be anything and anyone," Shezmu answered.

" Lies,

it was always you, I didn't kill Lucia but that's way you and the day Maya got shot in the face that was you as well cause where a death happens you are always there, " Seth added it all up as Ivan clapped his hands.

" You weren't just a pretty face but intelligent as well but am sure not as intelligent to know who is behind all this, " Ivan laughed.

" Who is it ? " Seth asked.

" Dangerous forces are at play and have been since the beginning. " Ivan explained.

" Since the beginning? " Emmy couldn't understand.

" The murder of Bastet that I was framed by you and am guessing that was you, " Seth yelled.

" Bastet has many enemies in high and low places, I am just a slave, " Ivan spoke as the entire cave began to shake and the fire turned green.

" Another god is here. " Sonja announced as a dark cloud fell upon Ivan as he was finally glad they knew as he disappeared.

" summon him back," Seth yelled.

" This other god is powerful and is shielding him from my heka," Sonja explained.

" I can't believe it this entire time it was Ivan, he is the one behind this all, " Emmy couldn't believe it.

" He just forces are at play and he's just a slave, so there is someone out there much dangerous who pulling the strings," Seth explained.

" What do we do with this information ? " Emmy asked Seth.

" I unite the Sha and Lynx and we get our revenge," Seth swore.

To be continued......

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