Rose & Jessica Part 1

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Inside a flat in London, an alarm starts going off inside Rose's bedroom, waking her up in time for work.

Jackie smiles from the living room.

A few moments later, Rose hurries out of her bedroom and kisses her on the cheek. "Bye!" She says as she picks up her bag.

"See you later!" She calls as Rose leaves the flat, shutting the door behind her.


"This is a customer announcement." A voice comes through the speakers in the shop. "The store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you."

Rose smiles and follows the other shop workers to the door, only to be stopped by a security man, who waves a plastic bag in front of her face. "Oi!"

She groans and takes the bag off him, then turns and head towards the lifts at the back of the shop. Rose steps inside it and presses the button for the basement.

A few seconds later, the lift doors open to reveal the grey basement and she walks out of it. "Wilson!" She shouts, heading towards his office. "Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson, are you there!" She knocks on the door but there's no reply. "I can't hang 'cos they're closing the shop. Wilson!" Still no rely. "Oh, come on."

Suddenly, she hears a noise coming from down the corridor. "Hello? Hello, Wilson!" She starts walking down the corridor carefully. "It's Rose. Hello? Wilson?"

She slowly opens the door to the storage cupboard, flicking the lights on to see dressed dummies and boxes. "Wilson?" Rose backs out the room and starts walking down the corridor leading to another cupboard. "Wilson!"

The door shuts behind her, and Rose runs back over and tries to get it open. "You're kidding me." She groans as she finds it is locked.

Suddenly, there are noises coming from behind her, and turns to face it. "Is that someone mucking about?" She shouts. "Who is it?"

One of the mannequins turn to look at her and starts moving closer. "Yeah, you got me. Very funny." The other mannequins start moving towards her. "Right, I've got the joke." Rose swallows, backing up. "Whose idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is this you?"

Her back leans against the wall, and one of the mannequins lift up their arm ready to hurt her. She squeezes her eyes shut, awaiting her death.

Suddenly, a warm hand grabs Rose's wrist.

She gasps and looks behind her to see a man with big ears grinning at her. "Run!"

They take off to a lift and run inside it, watching the doors close when a mannequin put its arm between them. The man grabs the arm and starts pulling it off.

After a few moments, the arm comes off and the lift doors finally close.

Rose eyes widen and looks at the man holding the arm. "You...pulled his arm off."

"Yep." He agrees, throwing her the arm. "Plastic!"

She catches it. "Very clever." Rose frowns as she examines it. "Nice trick. Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?"

"Why would they be students?" He asks.

"I don't know."

The man looks at her and frowns. "Well, you said it. Why students?"

Rose stares at him. "'Cos to get that many people dressed up and being silly, they got to be students."

He nods, looking slightly impressed. "That makes sense. Well done."

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