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So, the year is 2024, and this book was last properly updated last year in which I think was November according to the Microsoft document I have on this book series.

I hope you're all well, healthy, and safe...and remember to sleep, eat, spend time with family or friends or both, and always love one another. It's only too late to express that to them when they leave forever, so please show appreciation for them now before it is too late.

Now onto the book series!

I am uploading a new version of this book onto my account. The reason for it is that I am changing the storylines a little to fit in with the rest of the books I have planned as I made a massive error that needs to be fixed.

The new version of this book will be uploaded any second. I also realised Angel never seems to get a break for the first few books..

Anyway, please go check it out and you'll spot the difference, and if you see any spelling errors or missaid words then please do comment them on that book as it will really help!

Bad Wolf (Book One of the Doctor's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now