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No, this book isn't going on hold or anything like that before anyone comments that they're loving the new rewritten chapters and hope there'll be an update soon.

The reason why I'm writing this update chapter is because this book is supposed to be the 'new version.' But because of the many books that are waiting to be updated, including book two which was already started on, I've decided to publish all the old chapters then continue with book 2 and come back to this one which only needs a good look at to see where the typo errors are and add some detail in.

For those who haven't read this book before, here are some interesting facts on why I was rewriting the chapters until 02/07/2023.

~ This book is from my old, old, account before that account was reported and banned two years ago before I made a new one and had the same happen until I got this account which no one from my personal life knows about, so the writing style has changed a bit since then.

~ Some details don't quite add up by typo mistakes.

~ I used to write these chapters a lot at night and still sometimes do so sentences are sometimes left out due to my tired self not rereading before publishing the chapter which just makes it harder for readers to understand what is happening.

~ Errors in typing and spelling mistakes.

~ Not relooking over my tired self did this a lot and still sometimes do.

~ Needing to change chapters to fix in with future plans. Example, I couldn't have Angel staying out of 'The Unquiet Dead' which will be spoken about briefly in book 4 between Rose, the Doctor, and Angel during 'Journey's End' if I have Angel there for that scene...maybe, maybe not as I don't have the plan in front of me right now.

~ Sarah Jane and the Doctor are married so if you see Rose and the Doctor having a moment then please ignore it as it will be changed in the future after book two is finished.

~ I always seem to make every couple seem perfect in my books, so I'm also going to add in a bit of drama and heartbreak.

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