The Doctor Dances

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I push myself in front of my dad, looking at the patients with a stern look on my face. "Go to your room!" I command like a mother scolding her children.

The patients in the ward stand still.

"Go to your room." I repeat. "I mean it! I'm very, very angry with you all! I am very, very cross." I gesture to the beds. "Go to your room!"

The patients hang their heads in shame and shuffle away back to their beds.

Jack chuckles. "At least we know what Angie will be like as a mother."

I shoot him a playfully glare. "Watch it or else you'll be going to bed next."

"Only if you'll come with me." He smirks.

Rolling my eyes, I turn to my dad. "I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words."

He laughs and places his hand on my shoulder. "I told you, you'd make a great mother."

"Shut up." I mumble, nudging my dad lightly. "It may never happen now thanks to someone close to us."


Rose is standing near a gasmask person as Jack is sitting next to me whilst dad is leaning against the wall. "Why are they all wearing gas masks?"

"They're not." Jack answers. "Those masks are flesh and bone."

"How was your con supposed to work?" Dad looks at him.

"Simple enough, really. Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put fifty percent up front, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck. The perfect self-cleaning con."

"Yeah." Dad rolls his eyes. "Perfect."

"Actually, it is." I nod my head. "Almost too perfect, though."

"The London Blitz is great for self-cleaners. Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day." Jack laughs, only for it to fade away as dad just stares at him. "Getting a hint of disapproval."

'Dad, ease up on Jack as he isn't the Jack we know but he will be.' I comment through our bond, not used to using it just yet as the last time it caused headaches for me, though it worked perfect after I touched the Dalek. 'I know you're missing your best friend, but I'm sorting out everything once we're done here.'

"Take a look around the room." Dad gestures around the room after glancing at me. "This is what your harmless piece of space-junk did."

"It was a burnt-out medical transporter. It was empty."

"I don't think it was." I shake my head, remembering the Nanogenes on Jack's ship. "I think there was something inside of it that isn't now."

"Angel!" Dad calls, walking out the ward.

"Are we getting out of here?" Rose asks as I follow him.

"We're going upstairs." He corrects, not bothering to look at her.

"I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living." Jack continues. "I harmed no-one! I don't know what's happening here, but believe me, I had nothing to do with it."

"I'll tell you what's happening." I turn to face him, crossing my arms over my chest. "You forgot to set your alarm clock, handsome. It's volcano day.

A siren sounds from outside.

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