Rose & Jessica Part 2

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"Mum, you're such a liar." Rose tells her as she walks over to the door. "I told you to nail that cat flap down. We're going to get strays."

"I did it weeks back!" Mum protests, poking her head out the door.

"No, you thought about it." She corrects, eyeing the cat flap and notices the nails on the floor.

I head over to Rose and crouch down in front of the door, picking up one of the 4 nails, knowing they were in the door just a few moments ago when Jack arrived.

Suddenly, the cat flap moves in front of us, and Rose jumps back.

I lift up my hand and move the flap with caution, only to see a man with grey blue eyes staring back at me. 

"Who are you?" He asks curiously.

I stand up and open the front door to face him properly. "I'm Jessica."

"What're you three doing here?" He turns his gaze to Rose.

"Jessica and I live here." She answers him.

"Well, what do you do that for?" He asks us.

"Because we do." I answer, crossing my arms over my chest as I look up and down at my dad, noticing how this regeneration has big ears, dresses almost like a biker with that leather jacket, and he likes to ask a lot of questions. "Besides, Rose is only home because someone blew up her job! You do like to make a good impression on people, don't you?"

"I must have got the wrong signal." Dad comments, looking at the sonic screwdriver then at me. "How do you know me?"

"That can wait for now." I turn on my heel and walk back towards the living room to make sure the place isn't as messy since he's most likely to come in.

He narrows his eyes at Rose. You're not plastic, are you?" He taps her on the head, and she winces slightly. "No, bonehead. Bye, then!"

Rose glares and pulls him inside. "You, inside, right now."

"Who is it?" Mum calls out from her bedroom.

Jack sighs and walks over to her bedroom door with Rose and my dad.

"It's about last night." Rose lies to her. "He's part of the inquiry." She points at my dad with her hand. "Give us ten minutes."

"She deserves compensation." Mum says, looking at my dad and Jack as Rose walks off to the kitchen.

"Oh, we're talking millions." Dad replies sarcastically.

"I'm in my dressing gown."

"Yes, you are." Jack smirks at her.

"There's two strange men in my bedroom." Mum smirks back at them.

Yes, there is." Dad confirms.

"Well, anything could happen."

"No." Dad shakes his head, the warning clear in his voice as he walks off to the living room. His mind goes back to his wife and his missing daughter and how he wishes to reunite the three of them soon.

Jack winks at my mum. "Maybe later."

Dad groans loudly, rolling his eyes. "Stop it!"

"Don't mind the mess." I tell them, cleaning the table up from the magazines.

"Do you two want a coffee?" Rose asks as she pops her head out of the kitchen door.

Jack turns to her. "Milk and sugar please. Sweet but not too sweet."

"Might as well, thanks. Just milk." Dad agrees.

"We should go to the police, seriously, both of us." She comments to my dad.

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