The Long Game

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The Tardis lands inside a spaceship, and Jack, dad, Rose, and I step outside. "It's the year 200,000." I glance around. "And this is a space station."

Dad grins at me. "You're getting really good at this." He then walks over to a gate observing the Earth and we all follow behind him, stepping through it. "The Fourth great and bountiful Human Empire. And there it is, planet Earth at its height. Covered with mega-cities, 5 moons, population 96 billion. The hub of a galactic domain stretching across a million planets, a million species, with mankind right in the middle."

"It's beautiful." Rose breathes out.

Jack shrugs and looks at me. "I've seen more beautiful things."

I giggle and shake my head softly. "Such a charmer."

"Only for you."

"If Adam were here now, he would have fainted." Rose comments.

Dad and Jack share a look. "Instead, he's 6 feet under." Dad remarks.

I look at them with shock on my face. "You two didn't, did you?"

Jack wraps his arm around my waist. "No, your dad didn't kill him. Torchwood did."

"Of course, they did." I smile slightly as Owen and Tosh have always been protective of me and with Jack being the leader, wonder Adam isn't alive.

"Oh, come on!" Dad turns and walks with us around the space station. "You're gonna love this Fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent. Culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners..."

"Out of the way!" A rude man shouts as the floor comes to life with loads of people.

Food stalls opens around us, and people start rushing over to line up, talking to their friends.

"One at a time!" A chef calls to his line of people. "Oi, you, mate. Stop pushing. Get back. I said, back!"

Jack glances around and pulls me even closer to him. "Fine cuisine?"

"My watch must be wrong." Dad mumbles, looking down at his arm where his watch is. "No, it's fine. It's weird."

Rose frowns and looks at us. "Angel is never wrong about dates and years, so what's going on?"

"Good question." Jack nods.

Dad looks at me. "Angel, you must be hungry since you didn't eat this morning."

"Not really." I smile, glancing at Jack to see him looking at me with a stern look. "But I am thirsty."

Dad chuckles at the look Jack is giving me and walks over to a chef. "Oi, mate, how much for a drink?"

"2 credits 20, sweetheart." He replies. "Now, join the queue."

"Money, we need money." Dad walks over to the nearest cash machine with his sonic screwdriver out. "Have to use a cash point."

Jack, Rose, and I follow him and watch as he points the sonic screwdriver at it, and a metal strip comes out. Dad picks it up and passes it to Rose. "There you go, pocket money. Don't spend it all at once."

"Especially not on sweets." I smile, taking off my jacket and fold it over my arm. "It's so hot in here but so cold up there."

Jack looks at me with confusion. "What?"

"Never mind." I shake my head softly. "Just a feeling I'm getting."

Rose looks at the strip in her hand. "How does it work?"

Dad looks at her with a wide grin on his face. "Go and find out with Jack! You can't just read the guide book, Rose, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers. Or is that just me?"

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