Father's Day

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"Peter Alan Tyler, my dad." Rose explains to me, Jack, and dad as we're standing around the console. "The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th September 1954."

A 6th year old Rose walks into her mum's bedroom and sits on the bed with a photo album in front of them. "Come here, Rose?" Jackie pats the spot next to her since Rose is sitting on the pillows. "Who's that?" Jackie gestures to the photo of Pete. "It's your daddy. You weren't old enough to remember when he died. 1987, 7th of November. Do you remember what I told you? The day that Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clarke got married." She turns a page. "He was always having adventures. Oh, he would have loved to have seen you now."


Rose sits down on the captains seat as dad looks at her with concern. "That's what Mum always says. So I was thinking, could we, could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?"

"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" Dad asks.

"All right then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of times or something." She mutters, thinking dad is just going to disapprove. "Then never mind, just leave it."

"No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you."

"I want to see him." She insists.

Jack looks at me, and I nod my head slowly.

"Your wish is my command." Dad smiles, putting in the information Rose has given us. "But be careful what you wish for."

I lean over him. "Dad, this isn't going to end well."

He frowns and nods, taking in my words carefully.


Dad, Rose, Jack, and I are sitting at the back of a Registry Office, watching Pete and Jackie get married.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Angela Suzette Prentice..." The registrar prompts.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne Suzette Anita..." Pete struggles to say.

I smile softly, watching them and lean my head against my dad's shoulder.

"Oh, just carry on." Jackie smiles. "It's good enough for Lady Di."

"I thought he'd be taller." Rose comments.

"To be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold till death us do part." The registrar continues.


"I want to be that someone." Rose finishes off her explanation on why she wants to be with her dad when he dies. "So he doesn't die alone."

"November the 7th." Dad repeats, standing next to me by the console.


He nods and starts the Tardis up as I watch him carefully.


We step out of the Tardis to see it is sunny outside and everything is quiet around us.

"It's so weird." Rose comments. "The day my father died, I thought it'd be all sort of grim and stormy. It's just an ordinary day."

"The past is another country." I remark, glancing around as Jack wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"1987's just the Isle of Wight." Dad continues and looks at her. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah." Rose nods, taking a breath in.


We stand at an edge of a pavement of the Powell Estate with Rose next to my dad, and Jack and I behind them.

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