The End of the World Part 1

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I walk into the console room, tying my wet hair into a ponytail. "So, where are we going?" I ask dad as he rushes around the console with Jack.

"Rose Tyler, Captain, Angel, where do you want to go?" Dad speaks up, changing the conversation. "Backwards or forwards in time? It's your choice. What's it going to be?"

We look at each other with grins. "Forwards."

"How far?"

"One hundred years." Rose suggests.

I smirk at them. "Only one hundred years. Auntie is a time machine; we can go further than that."

Jack chuckles and looks at my dad. "How about ten thousand years in the future?"

He grins at us. "Year 12,005!"

I groan playfully. "Where's my dad's sense of adventure gone? I know you've gone further than that."

Dad playfully glares at me. "Alright then, I know exactly where to go." He starts rushing around the console once again, giving out commands to Jack. "Hold on!"

The Tardis starts flying through the Time Vortex, then settles down a moment after.

Dad smirks at me. "Go take a look outside."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Where have you taken us? It better not be somewhere dangerous or else mum is going to have our heads when we next see her!"

Jack chuckles and takes his hand in mine, planting a soft kiss on my knuckles.

Rose grins and runs over to the doors, slowly opening them.

Jack and I go after her to make sure she's safe.

Stepping out outside of the Tardis, I see we're in a large, beautiful wooden room, with a shutter hiding a giant window.

Jack and I start walking down a flight of stairs and over to it just as dad uses his sonic screwdriver to open the shutter by using a control panel next to a door. "You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying." He walks over to us with Rose next to him. "Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids."

"I've never heard of people dying by eggs." I remark.

Jack shakes his head softly. "Poison on eggs can happen. I've had someone do it to me a long time ago."

"But you never take time to imagine the impossible." He continues. "That maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5-slash-apple-slash-26." Dad smiles at us. "5 billion years in your future, and this is the day..." He looks down at his watch. "Hold on."

Suddenly, the sun flares, turning bright red.

"You remembered!" I turn to my head to look at my dad with shock. "This is the day the sun expands, isn't it?"

"Welcome to the end of the world." He replies, slipping his hand into mine before dragging me up the stairs and through the door.

Jack and Rose quickly follow behind.


"Shuttles 5 and 6 now docking. Guests are reminded that Platform 1 forbids the use of weapons, teleportation, and religion. Earth death is scheduled for 15:39, followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite." A voice calls over to the speakers.

"So, when it says guests, does that mean people?" Rose asks as she walks beside dad whilst me and Jack walk behind them.

"Depends on what you mean by people." Jack replies.

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