Aliens of London

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I lean against the Tardis, looking at the Powell Estate. "How long have we been gone?" I ask dad.

"About 12 hours." He replies, wrapping his arm around my shoulder just as Rose steps out of the Tardis, closing the door behind her.

"Right, won't be long." She tells us. "I just want to see our mum."

"What're you gonna tell her?" Dad asks.

"I don't know." She shrugs. "I've been to the year 5 billion and only been gone...what, 12 hours?" She shakes her head. "Nah, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later." She turns and starts walking.

"Wait, Rose!" I call, jogging over to her. "I'll come with you." I turn around and point at my dad. "Don't you disappear."

He places his hands up in surrender, grinning at me. I shake my head softly and turn back around, walking with Rose to our mother's flat.


I unlock the front door, walking inside with Rose behind me. "Mum!" I call out. "We're back! Rose spent the night with Shareen, I met her on the way here to see you."

Mum comes over to us holding a cup in her hands, shock written on her face.

"What?" Rose asks. "What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night!"

I see missing posters of Rose and I on the table, the date showing we've been gone 12 months, not 12 hours.

Mum drops the cup on the floor. "It's you two." She mutters.

"Rose, we've been gone 12 months, not 12 hours." I mutter.

Rose swallowers just as dad rushes inside, closing the door behind him. "Rose, Angel, you've been gone a whole year. Sorry." He winces.


"The hours I've sat here!" Mum rants at us as dad leans against the wall whilst Rose and I are sitting on the couch. "Days and weeks and months, all on my own! I thought the both of you was dead, and where were you? Travelling."

"With my dad." I defend. "It's not like we went with a stranger."

Jack walks inside the flat, and mum turns to him with a glare. "And you...handsome guy. You drugged me to forget everything!"

I sigh. "Mum, we're sorry for that but at the time it was the only option to keep you and Rose safe. Travelling with my dad and working at Torchwood, it isn't something we want people to know as you could be in trouble as well if creatures found out about our loved ones."

"Why didn't you two phone?" Her glare softening.

"They can't always phone." Jack explains. "The Tardis doesn't have a time like Earth does."

Dad walks over to me and Rose, leaning against the back of the couch. "He's right. The Tardis doesn't have a time or date 'cos she's a time machine. We could travel back or forward in time and space and be home for tea."

"But someone didn't pass their driving test." I tease him.

Jack laughs. "Now, he isn't that bad at driving...more getting the dates wrong."

"12 months, supposed to be 12 hours. I told you that I should have piloted us here." I grin at my dad. "Besides, you've been wanting to see how I pilot my auntie, so you can give me tips on how to improve."

Suddenly, we all see mum storm over to my dad and slap him. "You deserve that! Don't ever be that late again with them."


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