The Unquiet Dead

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"Hold that one down!" Dad calls me from across the console.

"I'm holding this one down!" I nod at the lever. "You should have let me pilot her in the beginning! Auntie wouldn't be shaking right now, and we wouldn't be holding onto dear life."

"Oi!" He grins at me. "I'm a good pilot."

I roll my eyes playfully, reaching over to hold down the button as Rose is holding down another button. "Then why didn't you pass your exam?"

He groans. "Of course, she told you that!" He playfully glares at the console. "Thanks, sister."

"Where are we going?" Rose asks.

"We've seen the future, let's look in the past. 1860." Dad looks at us. "How does 1860 sound?"

"What happened in 1860?"

"I don't know." He grins. "Let's find out! Here we go!"

We quickly hold onto the console as Auntie starts shaking.

A few seconds later, we hear her materializing and the shaking stops.

"Blimey!" Rose laughs as we all let go of the console.

"You're telling me!" Dad walks over to the monitor. "I did it! Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860."

"Right!" I walk towards the corridor leading to the wardrobe. "Before we all step foot outside, we need to change before we start a riot."

Rose smiles and walks over to me, linking her arm up with mine. "Show us the way, then!" She laughs.

I shake my head softly with a wide smile on my face. "You're gonna love it here, Rose."


We walk into the console room to see my dad working under the console. He pokes his head out to look at us with wide eyes. "Blimey!"

"Don't laugh!" Rose points at him with a wide grin on her face.

"You both look beautiful." He smiles.

I look at my dad. "Aren't you going to change?" I nod at his clothes.

"I've changed my jumper." He defends, standing up and walks over to the Tardis doors. "Come on!"

We step out of the Tardis, our feet touching the snow. "Ready for this?" Dad holds out his arms for us to take.

Rose and I beam and link up our arms with us. "History!"


As we're walking around, dad lets go of our arms and walks over to a young boy selling newspapers, buying one off him.

He walks back over to us, looking at the newspaper. "I got the flight a bit wrong."

"We don't care." Rose shrugs.

"It's not 1860, it's 1869."

"Dad, we don't care where you take us as long as we're with you." I smile at him.

"And it's not Naples."

"I don't care." Rose repeats.

"It's Cardiff."

Rose stops walking, and blinks. "Right..."

"Suddenly, we hear loads of people screaming in the theatre. "That's more like it!" Dad grins at us and throws the newspaper over his shoulder, dashing off to the building.

Rose and I grin and rush after him.

"Stay in your seats, I beg you!" We hear a man shout as we rush in. "It is a lantern show, it's trickery."

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