Chapter 20. Party

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After the conversation with Uncle Jeon, I and Min went to school for our afternoon classes. I'm not really into it because I'm still bothered by what Minji and her best friend talked about. She looked dejected and she didn't even talk to me during the time we were on our way to school.

As I contemplated it, I realized that if Danielle heard our conversation maybe Minji told her about us. I know, Minji said that Danielle confessed her feelings to her, and with that... maybe Danielle was hurt.

Danielle is her best friend, she's important to Minji and my Minji doesn't want to hurt her... intentionally.

I headed to the locker room before my last subject, luckily I found Minji in the locker room.

"Hey..." I said as I opened my locker and put my books inside. "Are you alright?" And I looked at her.

Minji closed her locker and looked at me "Yes," she
shortly replied.

I'm not convinced by her answer I know there's something in her.

"Anyway, about Danielle... she already knows our relationship. She heard everything and I confirmed it," She added.

I closed my locker and turned my body facing Minji "Maybe she thinks that I'm a gold digger. Minji, I appreciate your help to Uncle Jeon but-"

Minji cut me off "We settled it right? Don't mess it up," she sternly said. "I don't care what Dani thinks about you. It's not you, you know yourself more than what others think of you... remember that."

Minji has point there but let's face it, it still matters what people think of us. I admire her because she didn't care about it. She's not affected by what other say, she just does what she wants and what she thinks is right.

"But you are pondering it right? It bothers you Minji."

Minji frowned "No, I'm not bothered about it. Dani is a full-grown woman now, she can handle herself. I'm thinking about something-" She averted her gaze from me.

"Huh? What is it then?" So it's not a Danielle issue then what it is?? She's avoiding me, is it me? She's tired already? No. Don't be exaggerated Hanni!

Minji pressed her lips together, she was taken aback and it petrified me. She's going to break up with me? Why am I thinking about this? It suddenly appeared in my mind.

"Hanni... are you alright?" Minji was staring at me and she was worried as she caressed my cheek. Her hand was soft and warm, I feel it.

"I'm fine as long as you're with me Min" Minji smiled. She leaned forward and pecked me on the lips. Then I got alarmed as I looked around, she chuckled as if nothing but what if someone sees us huh? "Ya, what if someone sees-??"

"I don't care, you're my girlfriend." Minji shrugged. She's so calm now, I like hearing it when she said that I'm her girlfriend.

"Min, what is it? Tell me what bothers you, please." Minji shook her head, she don't want to talk about it.

"You don't need to please me..." Minji sighed "It's about my biological father." I can see the pain in her eyes so... it's her mother.

"What about your father?" I asked curiously.

"I hired a private investigator to find him. And the
investigator said that after a few days, She will give me what I want."

After many years, finally... she will gonna find her father. Did she prepare herself to face her dad? Is her dad still alive? Knocked on wood. I wish he still, I want to meet him too.

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