Chapter 1. Kim Minji

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Im Kim Minji, 20 years of age

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Im Kim Minji, 20 years of age. My hometown is Mancheon-ri, Dong-myeon, Chuncheon, Gangwon, South Korea. but currently live in Seoul.

Most people call me Min especially when I'm at school. People don't know me and my real identity.

I am the daughter of a Business Tycoon in South Korea. Were not only rich in Korea but also in western countries. until my Mom died 3 years ago from lung cancer.

My mother had helped many unfortunate people. She has a good person, with a kind heart. She held charities for poor people, people who needed some medical assistance, and even for senior citizens.

"The saying is it true that bad people live forever and good people die faster." I have no doubts.

She is the best mother for me because she loves me so much, and she also taught me a lot of things.

She opened my eyes to see the reality of life. That's why I am who I am today, I care about the people around me.

I inherited my Mother's wealth and many of our national and international assets.

Well, I'm her only child, I'm lucky, But I wish I had siblings, it's hard to live alone.

No family and relatives? It's like I'm lost or let's say... I've already died on the inside, even before my body will

I don't need to work, I can live my whole life even without work. And I can get what I want with just a snap because I have money and powers but I'm not that kind of person. And I'm not stupid, not everything in this world can be bought with money

I am thankful because uncle Taehyung has been by my side since I was a child, he became my father even though not by blood. He takes care of me, he makes me laugh when I'm sad, he knows when I'm sad and he doesn't leave me when my mother dies. I can feel his love for me, I know it's true like I'm his real daughter.

In middle school, I had many friends. They are like minions, they always follow me wherever I go. I knew they were fake, they talked behind my back.

They only like me because I'm rich and powerful but they really hate me and are jealous. There are so many insecurities with what I have. I lost them all when I needed them the most.

That's why I only have one best friend, "Danielle Marsh".

she is not like other people. She's real even though her aura is cold. But sadly, our school and college are different. She was so pretty anyway!

She studies at Ador University, She grew up in Australia because her Family migrated to Australia when she was a kid. We first met in South Korea and then we met again in Australia. We became even closer when she decided to live in Korea permanently. I'd rather have just one friend than a bunch of fake friends.

Speaking of school, I study at Hybe University. One of the most prestigious schools in South Korea.

Tuition is expensive and exorbitant but this is the best school. I'm a scholar here and taking a Business course. I do well in school, I work hard to get good grades. I am one of the TOP in my class and in the whole college.

I'm done bragging about my almost perfect life but on the contrary, my school. I live as a normal nerdy student. I don't get noticed and I don't have friends because I don't want them to know who I really am.

I'm done with fake people in my life, I don't trust them. I care about the people around me but I don't trust them easily. Are they naturally slaves to money? And what about me? We are all human but I am not a slave to money because I am a slave to money. Yes, we need money for our daily life but most people are only focused to earn money, are they happy if they get a lot? How is their family? Hmm... I don't have a family but if I still have, I will spend more time with them because I know they can make me happy more than anything in this world..

Anyway, back to school there's this girl who caught my attention but not for good. I don't like her. her attitude, her actions, and her words but I like her smile, her stare and youthful visuals. She is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Her visuals can kill you. She's really beautiful, say what?? Did I just say she's beautiful? Yeah, I said it trice now. Err... And I'm not going to say she's beautiful again!! What's wrong with me?! Why did I always say she's beautiful? I'm human and straight?!!! but yeah... She's beautiful outside. I don't know inside, she's annoying.

Her name is Pham Hanni, a famous girl with a bunch of fans. She's a cheerleader while her boyfriend named Jay Park is the vice-captain of the Basketball team. What a perfect combination right? Jay Park has a handsome face, rich.

Hanni's lucky with him. That girl is a bully! I don't like her because she doesn't care about the people around her. she is selfish.

I know Hanni acting and shows that she's a bitch/witch, hard and playful but I can see in her eyes that she's not happy with what she's doing. I know those eyes because I have them.

Yeah I know, it's my nature to care for others as I said before even if it's the person that I don't like... I will still care. Is that any problem with that? Or we're all just the same? To care and still care even if they don't and even if we're hurt

Lastly, I have an ex-boyfriend named Sim Jaeyun from my former school. I like him but I can say that I didn't love him. I like guys, but something in me changed when I met my best friend. DANIELLE is my first girl crush, she knows it but I still don't know my feelings. Danielle is a proud bisexual, it's not a big deal to her family though. She confessed her feeling that she loves me but we stay to be friends because I don't know if I am a straight girl...

Or into girls?!


Author's Note: welcome to FALLING FOR THE BULLY. i'm so excited to see how this story goes! please don't forget to vote if you like this story and i'll have more chapters up soon <3

 i'm so excited to see how this story goes! please don't forget to vote if you like this story and i'll have more chapters up soon <3

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