Chapter 12. The Day

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I'm so excited what will happen later. Me and Minji went to the school together, she used her Bugatti Veyron. This car was limited to 8 units and one of the most fastest cars in the world.

 This car was limited to 8 units and one of the most fastest cars in the world

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Minji went straight to the office of the Dean to meet   Mr. Kim Jongin her mother's best friend. while me, I'm already in our room with Jinni. Hyein wasn't around yet, she's not tardy it's not her usual to be late.

I'm sitting on my respective seat while Jinni is in front of me. She twirled around to face me.

"Hanni do you know that Kim Minji is our classmate?" Yeah, the rumor spread like a wild fire but they didn't know that Min and Kim Minji is one.

I nodded.

"Whaaa... I'm so excited to see her." You already did and I smirked.

"Wait, what's that?" Jinni narrowed her eyes looking suspicious at me.

"Minji is my friend" I cockily said.

"Kim Minji is your friend!" She shouted, so our classmates glanced at us.

"Yes, she is" Then they muttered things that was incoherent. I don't mind anyway I'm just happy now.

"Woahhh daebak!!! You're really awesome Hanni" Yoona walked passed by and smiled at Jinni. What? She smiled? They're friends? But I noticed that Jinni bowed down and I think she's blushing! Omo, so cute.

I looked at Yoona but she just rolled her eyes, maybe she's still mad at me. I deserve that because I hurt Minji, she's really a good friend of the latter. Sully took her seat and just looked outside the window.

"Hyein, you're here" Jinni said. I turned my gaze at the seat beside me and Hyein occupied it. She looked pale.

"Are you okay Hyein?" I asked, it's my first time being concern to them. From now on, I will treat them as my friends not minions.

It seems that she didn't hear me. She's not in herself, she's haggard and her eyes were teary. Suddenly our Prof. arrived and all were seated properly including me and Hyein.

"Good morning class" Prof. Manoban greeted us.

"Good morning Ms. Manoban" We said in chorus.

Then abruptly, our classmates screamed. Kim Minji is here! She's fashionably late.

Min? She's Kim Minji?

Oh my gosh, she's a goddess!

I never thought Min whose nerd is Kim Minji the princess...

Her natural hair color suits her.

Wahhh, she's so beautiful... she's like a model.

She's so cute, can I take her home?

I can hear them loud and clear but sorry guys she's mine.

Minji bowed down 90 degrees to Ms Manoban "Good morning Ms, sorry I'm late" then Minji patted my shoulder and I smiled at her. She took her seat at the back of Sully, everyone looks shocked even the latter.

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