Chapter 22. Forgiveness

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I and Minji took a bath together (Ya, don't think of dirty things! We just took a bath... Then a little make-out), and after we dressed up. Minji said we will go somewhere but Mr. Taehyung will gonna talk to us first, I guess?

Mr. Taehyung looked steely, hes scary like a very strict dad of Minji. I think he didn't like me the way he glared at me with his disgust look.

We went down to the living room and Mr. Taehyung was there waiting for us. He so serious as ever. I gulped when I met hes hard gaze, Minji just looked calm.

"We're going somewhere, let's just talk later." Minji nonchalantly said.

"No, we will talk now!" Mr. Taehyung demanded.

"What do you want? Yes, Hanni is my girlfriend. What's wrong with that huh?" Minji annoyingly asked. Wait. She's being rude to Mr. Taehyung. Am I a bad influence now?

"You're disrespecting me because of this girl?? You just met her! I took care of you for many years Minji!" Mr. Taehyung yelled. I feel my heart clenched.

"So what? It's your job, right? Don't act like you're my dsd because you're not!" Well, that's offensive.

Minji grabbed me out of the house, she just ignored Mr. Taehyung whose calling her. What's wrong with Minji? I know something was up that I don't know.

Minji was driving and I was sitting in the passenger seat. She didn't say a thing so, do I?

But I don't like the silence, it makes me feel uneasy.

"Minji... Why? Why do you act like that?" I asked, I hope she's not mad. Minji sighed "I'm sorry... He doesn't like you and I don't want to argue."

"But please, try to understand him. Hes like your father that's why hes being protective of you." I tried to explain Mr. Taehyung side.

"I know" Minji shortly replied, apparently she doesn't wanna talk about it.

I puffed my cheeks "Where are we going anyway?"

"We'll meet detective Liz she has the result."

"Really? So you'll gonna know your real father?" Minji nodded.

I yipped "That's great! I'm happy for you Min!"

"Thank you babe"

Finally, she'll be completed. I'm so excited to see the result. It brightened my mood. It's good news.

I kept fidgeting my feet underneath the table while looking at the detective, so Minji was meeting her ever since the investigation about her real father started. Detective Liz is beautiful she's like an actress. I don't know but I'm a little bit insecure about her. I mean, yeah totally insecure. She's perfect! Her poise and the way she talks, everything was great. Sighed. I'm like a potato compared to her.

I'm not jealous okay? I just can't help but compare myself to her.

Detective Kim gave an envelope to Minji "So Minji, confirmed... It's positive, hes your biological Dad."

Minji just has a blank expression "Thank you Liz, I already anticipated it. You know.... people say, there's a strange feeling of emotional attachment to someone like you feel comfortable and you easily get along well with that person. Then, later on, you discovered that you are related by blood more or like, its affinity." She laughed bitterly.

I don't get it, who's his father? Did she met him before?

I felt like I'm out of place here. I want to ask but I could feel Minji wasn't in the mood. "Maybe he has a good explanation for this" Detective

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