Chapter 2. Hanni Pham

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My life is so pitiful and unhappy story

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My life is so pitiful and unhappy story. I'm Hanni Pham, 20 years old. At school, I'm very popular with my pretty face and talents. I'm also Captain of the Cheerleader Squad in University so they think I'm a lucky girl.

I admit many guys are head over heels in admiring me. I like seeing their faces like a dog drooling whenever I'm performing with my teams. I also have fans, they are many to mention besides I don't know most of them because it doesn't matter to me but I have my two favorites, Jinni and Hyein let them follow me wherever I go at the school.

Aside from being beautiful and talented, I'm smart too. I like to study whenever I have a chance but I'm hiding it from everyone because I don't want them to think that I'm a nerd. I don't want them to see my soft and good side. I want them to think that I'm an evil bitch, tough and strong so no one dares to fight against me because they are scared of me. And I just want them to think that even if I'm not studious, I'm still smart. That's cool, isn't it?

To be honest, I was a perfect product of being bullied in middle school when I was in Australia. They bully me because of my race, I'm Australian Vietnamese, and they're all pure Australian. I experienced almost every kind of rudeness and even my teachers were all biased.

But what is the worst thing That hurts me a lot, that still breaks me until now? I hate him so much even if he's dead now... He's my father. He treated me like shit! He didn't care about me, he's all I've got but he neglected me. I'm just like a slave to him, he hurt me more than my schoolmates did. He always beat me, every night and whenever he's drunk. I'm not a punching bag, I'm her daughter!

So when did he die? Guess what? I didn't cry because I'm really happy but of course, I didn't show to everyone, they might think I'm crazy or weird.

Thanks to my uncle, He is the opposite of my father. When my uncle decided to stay me here in S.Korea, I promised to myself that I will not let others bully me again and abuse my kindness. NEVER AGAIN.

Then I lived alone in a small apartment, I also have my part-time job as a cashier in a Coffee Shop to support myself. But then again, no one knows it at school. They thought my father is still alive and supporting me but it was just my uncle. He gave me an allowance but still, it's not enough for my daily living.

Therefore, here I am now. I am one of the luckiest to get a scholarship to Hybe University... Scholars are highly respected in school but, I'm not just a scholar but the authority. I have this power of controlling people, I can get anything I want even if I don't use money. am I bad?

Oh anyways, I have my boyfriend. His name is Park Jay and surely, he's a heartthrob at the University. He's also rich, smart, and the kind that's why I don't deserve him, I know it. He's just my front. I need him to have this power, he knows it and we're using each other. Our relationship is just an act but we're friends. I've said it, I don't deserve him so I don't let him court me but he always says that he will wait for me. I shrugged it off, I have nothing to do with it. I don't care. It's me. I'm egocentric.


That's my fvcking life... I don't want to remember it but it keeps haunting me. The hates and the pain? I can't take it away so I need to release it by bullying weak people they deserve to be strong. I hate them because they can't fight for themselves.

Oh fuck! I almost forgot, there's one girl. I can't believe that she's a scholar. she's a nerd and I pity her because she doesn't have friends.

Her name is Kim Min, how did I know her name? Because my locker is just beside hers. Fuck! I don't know her background but she looks very poor, like a beggar. She doesn't have fashion sense with her big eyeglasses. Even her eyeglasses themselves have no fashion. She looks like a grandma with it. She doesn't use make-up, my gosh I can't live with that and she always use pants and just a shirt with the same pair of blue sneakers. Maybe she doesn't have money to buy new.

As you notice, I know her a lot because she caught my attention. She always looked me in the eye. No one can look me straight in the eye! She shows me that she is not afraid of me. And it makes my blood boil to its limit! I will make her life miserable if she continues to show her fearless attitude against me

Why do I care that much anyway? This is the first time that a person caught my attention. I even noticed her pathetic outfit every day! What's happening? It's just nothing. But why do I feel that she cares for me?


Now I'm talking nonsense, just drop it. Fuck her! No! I mean that's not the point! Shit. Why is my heart beating fast now? Oh gosh. Great.

Fuck. Just fucking drop that.



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