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Death. Savior of the wretched and the damned. such a misunderstood concept. So beautiful, so creative, so kind. The end of life, the end of pain, the end of everything. Something that may be excruciating or near painless. Death is powerful. It has caused so many to create some ideal after-party to the stage of life. They decide that there will be paradise, or another life, deluding themselves out of fear. Fear of the end. Humans have a natural terror in the face of death, it leads them to do many regrettable things. Why are we all so scared? Is death not only a salve to cure the disease of life? Life drains us, pains us, rips us apart. Death dances its graceful waltz, spinning around us in wide rings, closing in. Who else but death will hold your hand as you stand at the edge? Death will hold you close as you dance together a final time, leaving a smile on your face as life leaves your body. Death is the only divine act I see. There is no higher power, death commands us as an equal. Death is not a god, death is the bringer of peace, of freedom, of release. It comes to everyone, never rejects a dance, never ignores a cry for help. Death welcomes you home with loving arms, back to nothingness. Death's dance is mesmerizing, as it glides around you. How could anyone look away? It's ignorant to ignore it, naive to think it evil. Would you call me crazy? Am I out of my mind? Most would say I am, but really, who decides what is crazy and what is not? Am I really so deranged, for making friends with this morbid soirée? Call me narcissus, call me bloodied, call me blind. The danse macabre, oh, how lovely.

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