CH 43- Wasted Potential

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Carmen, Mikky, Sira, and I were having our dinner.

"So Carmen," Sira said after she swallowed a bite of her food. "What's going on between you and Gavi?"
"We're not dating yet, but we're exclusive."
Big smiles formed on the girl's faces. They asked Carmen a bit more about Gavi.
There were lots of "Awws" and "Ooohs", while Carmen was telling them.

Halfway through dinner, Mikky was talking about her birthday party.
"And for the boys, from the team, I would invite Frenkie obviously, Ferran, Eric, Ansu, Jules, Gavi, Pedri-"
"Wait, speaking of Pedri", Sira started. "Ferran told me somethings up with him."
"What do you mean?" Carmen asked.
"He said that Pedri is quieter, and all the boys have noticed. He's more withdrawn, and even during training, Ferran said Xavi said he doesn't practice as hard as he used to."

I took a bite out of my food, looking down.
What does it mean that he changed?
I reminded myself that I couldn't care, and I shouldn't, because he was the one who abruptly cut me off for no reason.

Carmen, who was sitting next to me, turned her head towards me.
"Y/N?" Mikky asked. "Are you okay?"
I looked up. "Im fine I promise". I gave her a small smile.
Carmen held my hand under the table. She could tell it made me upset to think about.
"Y/N." Sira said. "I can tell something is up."

I decided to tell Mikky and Sira about what happened with Pedri.

"Oh my god," Sira said, frowning. "What a fucking asshole. I'm so sorry that happened."
"It's okay. I'm getting over it."
"If I were you, I would never talk to him again," Sira said.
"Or even look at him", Carmen added.

Sira and Carmen gave each other a hi-five.

"Wait...", Mikky said slowly. "You're the girl that he liked?"
The table fell quiet.
Carmen dropped her spoon into her plate.

"What?" I said, looking at Mikky.

"Frenkie told me after the Italy trip. On the day of the flight back home, Frenkie got up really early for a run. Apparently, Pedri was on the phone outside, because the reception inside was bad. Anyways Frenkie finished his morning run and he heard Pedri on the phone while he was walking up to his room. Pedri was on the phone with his brother, Fernando, and he was saying 'I messed up. I like her so much, but Im scared. If she breaks my heart, I won't be able to live with it. But now I've broken hers. For some reason, I even told her that we were never friends. And now she'll never even look in my direction again.' That's what Frenkie heard. And he said that Pedri looked distressed, and angry with himself."

I froze.
I was stunned.

I felt my heartbeat quicken.

Pedri had liked me?

And he was worried I would break his heart?
Well, I wouldn't.
And just like he said, he already broke mine.


The rest of the night went by, and I had a great time with the girls.

But what Mikky had told me kept playing on my mind.

We hadn't gone through a proper break-up, because Pedri and I had never even been together, but in a weird way, it hurt even more than if we were a couple.

Because of the 'what if'.
The potential.

That night, as I got into my bed, I curled myself upwith my blanket.

And I cried hard.

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