CH 41- Your name hurts

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It was the day after.

I woke up, my eyes were red and puffy from crying last night, but despite that, I had somehow managed to get some sleep.

My bags were packed, and I was ready for Uncle Xavi and me to visit my dad and siblings for a mini vacation. Nuria (Xavi's wife), and my cousins were also catching a flight and we would see them at my family's house.

Our flight was leaving in just a few hours.
I was ready to visit my hometown, even if it was just for a week.
I needed to get away and see my dad and brother and sisters.

It was still dark outside.
Uncle Xavi messaged me, saying he was waiting outside the hotel and that the Uber was here.
Carmen knew I would be leaving before she woke up.
Even though it was only a week, I would miss my best friend.

I walked to the elevator, with my bag and suitcase.

The elevator door opened, and I couldn't believe who was inside.

It hurt to say his name, to even think it.
But it was the person who apparently wasn't even my friend all along.
He got out. And I walked in.

I was lucky that I was wearing my sunglasses. Even though it was 6 in the morning, and still pitch-black outside, I had put them on because I knew if my uncle saw me upset, he would demand to know why.
But wearing my sunnies came in handy even more now that I saw him. He probably knew I was upset, but I couldn't give him the pleasure of seeing my swollen and red eyes.

I glanced at him, as the doors were waiting to close.

He was looking back at me. 

He looked.... not like himself.
He almost looked sad, and miserable.
And what was he doing that he was just coming up to his room now?

But I reminded myself that I didn't care, and I couldn't. 

After all, he was a player, and this was what he did best.
He said it himself, we were never friends.
And I needed to forget about him for good.


The week back home visiting my family was exactly what I needed.
My brother and sisters distracted me from everything that had happened, and seeing my dad was the best.

My dad and uncle were watching the news one night, and I decided to join them.

I sat down on the couch, and my dad turned to me, saying that I had learned my lesson. He said I was responsible, and I could come home.
"Are you kidding?" Uncle Xavi said. "I'm not letting her leave. Without her and Carmen we would be lost. And we would lose our matches too.
Plus, all the other coaches and staff and players love the girls."
My dad smiled, giving me a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm proud of you sweetheart".
Uncle Xavi continued. "You should be. I am. She's a huge asset to our team. She even helped coach one of our players, and because of that, he's become even greater."
"Ah, that's good to hear. Which player?"
"Pedri". My uncle replied.

A sharp pang shot through my chest when I heard that name.
I smiled, covering up the immense pain I was still feeling.
The mention of him reminded me of everything- the good and the bad, and what could've been.

But I knew I would get over him someday.
I promised myself I would.

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