Birthday boy

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Tom kaulitz is a famous musican but he is also a famous playboy but will he finally meet his competition

                                    London  1/9/2007

3rd person pov

It was tom and bills 18th birthday and so the brothers had decided to go London to celebrate with the whole band.obviously being bills idea as he has always wanted to visit London, tom not complaining as long has he gets to go to a club though. As the band entered this night club ,lights almost blinding them instantly and music blaring tom just turned to his band mates "go get a vip table i'm gonna grab us some drinks!" he shouted over the music his brother just nodding in response and walking away as tom made his way to the bar ordering 4 shots and a whole bottle of tequila for the table. after about 5 minutes of waiting he received his drinks and walked towards the vip table his brother has just reserved.

"you finally got here" bill almost squealing as he picked up his shot and downing it instantly.        "yeah yeah not my fault the bar took  forever " he complained sitting next to his friends pouring himself another shot.  "i'm gonna head t the toilet ill be right back" he stated standing up and walking away to the bathroom leaving his brother and two friends behind.

Bill was talking to his friends when suddenly he watched as a shadow towered over him , raising his head a female smiled making a small wave with her hand before placing herself in between him and Georg. she was wearing a tight white dress with white strapped heels , her hair was bleach blonde with big hoops in and her hair curled. "hey handsome." she said leaning her body into bills. her hand placed onto his thigh. "hey" the boy responded with a huge grin on his face. bill wasn't used to girls hitting on him usually just on his brother. The blonde girl tilted her head before pouring them each a shot handing it to him she asked "whats ur name i'm Nicole!" just as she asked she downed her shot putting the cup down. The boy downed his also placing the cup down "Im bill." he responded with a small smile.

As the two were talking tom returned from the bathroom almost instantly stopping in his tracks when he set his eyes on the girl leant on his brothers thigh. He walked over to them and sat beside the girl on the other side. "ahem when were you gonna introduce me to this one." tom asked his brother with a smirk causing the girl to turn her head to face him with a smirk "oh theres two of you." she stated with the smirk still planted on her face. suddenly bill wrapped his arm around her waist "nope. no.. you get every one." he whined to his brother. the girl giggled in response to he boys bickering like children "don't fight i have my friends here too." she explained to them waving her hand to a group of girls. Causing a smile to appear on both the boys faces . "best birthday ever!" tom exclaimed. "Birthday? why didn't you sayyyyy" she said holding up the bottle of alcohol.

                                                         Time skip (4 hours later)

The girl stumbled into the hotel elevator with toms arm wrapped around her waist bill had left early with her friend Jodie and Gustav and Georg left about 2 hours go.  "this better be ur best birthday..." the girl slurred her arm flung around the dreaded boys neck "cause its not over yet." she whispered leaning into him "of course it is i met you." he stated as the two locked lips tom gripping onto her waist pulling her closer before she pulled away hearing the lift door open to the floor they were getting off at. They both stumbled out of the lift the girl holding onto his arm to keep hr balance as he unlocked the door to his room. She walked in looking around "its like bigger than my whole apartment what are you like a celebrity or somethingggg" she said looking to him the both of them absolutely drunk "something like that." he responded grabbing onto her waist.

another time skip (sorry)

The girl lifted her head up with a huge groan not remembering the night before "ugh my head!" she mumbled slowly sitting up turning to see the boy besides her as he also slowly awoke.  "what the hell happened last night." he groaned turning to look at the female beside him but he was met with no response the girl just rubbing her head in pain,  even with her makeup all smudged and her hair a mess he still thought she looked gorgeous "whatever happened i'm not complaining." the boy said as he went to wrap his arm around the girl however she just pulled away getting out of the bed and picking her shoes off the floor.           

Tom just furrowed his brows in response as he watched her pick up her shoes. "are you leaving already?" he asked. the blonde soon turned to him wiping her lipstick from her chin  "well duh what did you think i was gonna stay? you were fun and all but one nights enough." she explained as tom was about to open his mouth bill walked in to see the blonde once again. "hi billy..." she whispered into his ear as she was walking out causing tom to almost freeze up. Bill just smiled to her but his smile soon dropped as he saw his brothers face. "sorry but look at her can you blame me?" bill asked his brother not being able to argue with bills statement. "i actually just got refused from a girl." tom said in almost disbelief , no girl had ever rejected him especially just leave him after one night. he soon groaned and got dressed after his brother had left his room. Tom needed to find this girl for once he wanted her he needed her.

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