Mixed signals

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We finally arrived at the pub as tom pulled into the parking lot to park ,the lot was pretty empty so we parked closer to the pub so it would be a shorter walk back to the car. I got out of the car and made my way into the pub with tom trailing behind me , as i entered i spotted my friends sitting at a table including Jodie and bill "omg i didn't know you two were coming! i exclaimed giving the two a hug i then turned to my other friends giving them hugs too. sadly my ex boyfriend was also apart of my friend group i tried my hardest to stay civil but sometimes the boy cant keep his mouth closed. Me and tom took our seats together and ordered some drinks as bill tried to start up a conversation "so have you guys been friends long?" he asked taking a sip of his drink " since secondary school so about 6 years ish" i replied with a smile "yeah until these two decided to make it awkward" Jodie joked pointing to me and my ex i Immediately widened my eyes looking to her then at tom who just smiled ad placed his hand on my thigh "well thats in the past." he stated looking my ex straight in the eye , i could feel the tension rising rapidly so i quickly changed the subject  " oh i heard you two went on a date?" i teased Jodie and bill allowing the two to give everyone details on their date.

An hour or so had gone by and tom headed to the toilet leaving us to chat so i decided to go the bar and grab us some more drinks however when i got closer to the bar i spotted tom with his hand wrapped around a girls shoulder ordering the two some drinks i looked down to the empty glasses and felt a quick rise of anger come over me i Immediately put the glasses on the bar and ordered myself some shots instead 'two can play at that game' i thought before downing each shot i had bought before walking back to the table , tom now sitting there like nothing had happened. Thats when suddenly i felt the alcohol hit me and i stumbled to sit down "i think we should all go clubbing" i slurred with a smile "Nicole are you drunk already?" she asked with her brows furrowed , tom looking at me with a shock in his face "yeah? and were at a pub." i slurred i could feel more anger building up as i could feel that everyone including my best friend were Disappointed " Nicole come ill take you home.." tom suggested going to put his arm around me "No!" i shouted at him "you sure you're gonna take me home or are you gonna take that slag by the bar home huh?" i looked at him as his face went white almost like he had seen a ghost "you think i didn't see you?" i followed before pushing his whole arm away from me and storming out of the pub and walking to the cab station to get a cab home , i had purposely gone a way i knew no one would see me and was able to get home without anyone catching up to me.

I stumbled into my apartment and slammed the door closed and taking out my phone i had multiple missed calls from Tom and Jodie but i just screamed and threw the phone on the sofa and walking t the kitchen to grab some water for myself to sober up i sighed as i placed my head on the counter. I should've known better i let down my whole front to be played with. Well not again i wasn't letting it happen again. I Immediately picked up phone and blocked toms number before sloping down on the sofa with a sigh before i heard my doors buzzer go.

I groaned and walked to the buzzer opening the door hoping Jodie had come by to check up op me i however soon snapped out my thoughts as my eyes were met with toms "get out of my apartment." i stated turning away from him in a huff " no Nicole wait" he pleaded closing my door behind him "i just bought her some drinks because i thought she was pretty." i quickly turned around "were not together i didn't do anything wrong." he explained walking up to me i quickly pushed him away "you were there with me." i whispered "and you're right were not together so get out of my apartment." i replied bluntly walking to the door to open it "were done." i stated harshly looking right into his eyes "i'm not leaving..this is stupid Nicole!" he explained closing the door again "listen i know you're not sober okay so you're gonna be more emotional but i did nothing wrong." the more i Listened the more i realised i did overreact  he was right we weren't together so why did i care. " you're right." i responded walking towards my room and opening my wardrobe "what are you doing?" he asked as he followed me "club" i explained looking for an outfit " no nicole just stay home ill even stay with you." he urged but i just ignored him "im going to find myself a man." i explained picking out a dress.

Suddenly tom just grabbed him and threw me over his shoulder and taking me out of my room "you're being ridiculous Nicole." He pleaded walking to my kitchen "I'm not being ridiculous put me down!" I shouted to him continuously slapping his back , but however he just ignored me grabbing my house keys and taking him to his car throwing me in the passenger seat and locking the doors "I'm not letting you go to some horrible club just to pick up some low life who wants you for sex." He explained starting the car up and driving away. "Oh I'm so sorry that's so rich coming from you." I soon scoffed and leant my head on the car seat "that's Exactly what you did..." I mumbled quietly but just loud enough for him to hear it. " I did not do that." He replied his jaw clenched "I bought one girl a drink you're making this such a bigger problem then it needs to be !" he stated angrily glancing to look at me , I couldn't even look back even though I knew he was looking at me I was still so drunk and so emotional I knew if I looked at him or even explained how I was feeling I would burst out into tears so instead I just ignored him and looked out of the window.

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