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As I got out of the taxi outside of my hotel I turned to my left to see a familiar black car , as soon as it's headlights came on I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

I made my way towards the car as I approached the passenger side of the door , leaning my hand out to open it as I sat in the passenger seat with a huff.

"Hi Princess." His voice was deep , raspy even and I just turned to look at him with a frown , as much as I enjoyed his presence I couldn't get over my interview and how disrespected I was. "Cmon don't be sad...here look I got this party and you're already dressed up so let's go cheer you up," he explained as he looked to me , my frown moving from a frown to a small smile. Ignoring our history and what we did to each other he was always so sweet when he needed to be and whenever he was it melted my heart a little every time.

We arrived to the party a little over half an hour later , "is bill here?" I couldn't help but ask I needed to say sorry to him , I didn't just hurt Tom but I also hurt bill and I needed him to know that I was sorry.

"Yes he is..he's not angry at you anymore." He explained as I nodded with a smile before climbing out of the car and putting on a fake smile as I walked into the party with Tom , paparazzi as usual everywhere. Just wonderful that would've definitely helped my case with the accusations going on. As soon as I walked into the party I saw bill and I smiled running up to him and wrapping my arms around him tightly. "I'm so sorry..."

I felt his arms wrap around my body as he hugged me back with laugh. "It's okay." His voice allowed some sort of comfort to come over me as I just pulled away holding onto his arms with a smile. I was about to speak before Tom walked up to us a smile on his face. "Well now everyone's acquainted let's party." He laughed as he passed us both drinks.

I stumbled into the kitchen , honestly I didn't know what time it was and neither did bill or Tom we were all drunk as fuck just as much as the first night we met. "W-wait what if we keep this going.."
I suggested as I looked at the twins with a smirk , although we hadn't seen each other in years they both exactly knew what I meant and I knew they agreed. We were gonna go clubbing and I knew they knew the best club in Germany.

We had somehow made our way to the club , bill with a gorgeous black haired girl as me and Tom were just downing shots. Hopefully if the paparazzi were to see anything it would be this, me and the twins hanging out with no romance although they would probably find a way to twist that as well.
The lights from the club were almost blinding and I couldn't hear anything but music as I looked to Tom I smiled. "That cute girl is checking you out," I told him as I pointed to the girl behind him waving at him , he immediately smirked at her ad he looked back at me. "I'll be back." He walked away as I just laughed in response making my way to the dance floor to dance to the music a smile on my face.

(This is just a filler chapter im writing the next one rn!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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