False hope

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Nicole's pov
I slowly awoke , my eyes fluttering open as I felt an arm tighten around my waist I looked up to Tom sleeping next to me letting out a small snore every two or so seconds. I smiled to myself before sneakily pulling from his grip and sneaking out of the room to make sure not to wake him.

I made my way to the bathroom and picked up some pjs that were on the floor changing into them getting out of the outfit from the night before and washing my face in the sink to make sure I had no mascara or foundation still on my face, I looked up into the mirror and saw my eyes all red and puffy and my cheeks tear stained that's when the night before hit me and I remembered what I happened, I instantly frowned at myself in the mirror but I just shook it off and walked to the living room and turned on the tv switching it to the morning news.

My eyes immediately widened as pictures of Shannon and Tom were plastered all across my tv screen from the news and media all discussing if this was his new girlfriend, I quickly frowned and that's when Tom walked out in a groan "what time is it?" He asked before throwing himself next to me and looking at the screen himself. "It's 11am..." I mumbled before looking at him as soon as his eyes met mine he frowned he saw how puffy my face was and he could see the frown across my lips and that's when I couldn't help but wonder if he actually felt bad for me , the fact he looked sad when he saw I was but I didn't want that I didn't want him to feel guilty to be with other women. "You want something to eat?" I asked forcing a smile to make him stop feeling upset. "Yea sure I'll eat anything.." he replied as he watched me get up from the sofa and walk into the kitchen trying to find something.

Tom soon got up and walked into the kitchen to find me "you feeling better now ?" He asked as he leaned onto the counter looking up at me with his brows furrowed. "Yeah I'm okay I just drink too much." I replied with a small laugh I had always had a problem with not knowing my drinking limit even since I was a teenager I was the same ,turning to look at him "Shannon is sweet and like I said I'm here to find you a good girlfriend and she is perfect." I explained holding a smile on my face , as much as I wanted him to be with me I also wanted him happy and if that meant him moving on I was ready to stomach it. "Nicole I don't need your help.." he mumbled walking up to me "and being drunk isn't an excuse...drunk words are sober thoughts.." he stated before placing his hand onto my cheek with a small smile "stop lying to me.." he mumbled before leaning down and placing a small kiss onto my forehead.  I instantly closed my eyes and smiled when I felt his lips press against my head "I'm not lying to you.." I whispered looking up to him and placing my hand onto his chest "besides don't you have plans today?" I asked looking up to him with a smirk placed onto my lips.

(Smut ahead)
Instead of replying he just instantly picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked to my room dropping me on my bed as he looked down to me with a smirk before pulling his top off and leaning down to kiss me passionately as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer kissing him back with a smile placed onto my lips. I quickly pulled him down and switched our positions so I was straddling him as i immediately attached my lips to his once again as I unbuckled his trousers not breaking our kiss. He pulled his trousers off before attaching his lips to my neck and kissing down my neck , leaving hickeys as he went gripping onto my waist hard.

He quickly switched our positions before pushing himself in allowing a soft moan to leave my lips as he slowly thrusted in and out of me letting out low grunts as he pushed in slowly increasing his speed causing me to grip onto the bed sheets below me in a groan.

(Smut end)
About an hour later he pulled out as we both breathed heavily laying next to eachother before his phone rang. "Who is that?" I asked before he shrugged pulling his boxers on and picking up the phone of course it was Shannon asking him where he was. I just rolled my eyes and put on a pair of underwear and throwing his top on before sitting at the end of my bed miserably waiting for the call to be over. Tom than ended the call and tilted his head to me "mhmmm my top looks good on you.." he mumbled wrapping his arms around me once again with a smile. "What did she want?" I asked looking up to him my bottom lip pouted purposely. "Just asking where I was and what I was doing." He explained "why are you jealous?" He questioned me with a smirk pushing my hair behind my ear "yes I'm jealous besides you should be with me.." I explained before kissing him once again with a small laugh. "Oh that's new because I thought an hour ago you thought she was perfect for me." He teased pulling away from our kiss , "yes I did before you fucked me." I laughed before he just kissed me again wrapping his arms around me. "I'm tired again now.." I complained climbing back into bed once again,"nap with meee.." I whined as he came and snuggled up to me once again , his arms wrapped around me and my face nuzzled into his neck. It didn't take me long to fall asleep again just as it didn't take Tom long, it didn't matter though a lazy day was always okay.

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