Getting high pt2

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I walked around the massive house as people's voices echoed through my head their laughs slowing down as if they were in slow motion. I made my way back to the living room as the music immediately became louder , I looked into the living room and made my way through it until I stopped in my tracks as I watched as Tom placed his hands onto a girls hips as they swayed together. I stood there almost in disbelief but before I could say something bill walked up to me "Nicole..are you okay?" I heard his voice in slow motion before looking up to him "have you taken something?" He asked again before I looked to the dance floor again realising Jodie was also dancing with someone who wasn't bill and that's when my heart sunk. "I think you need to join me." I explained to bill my words slurred as I watched his eyes drift from mine to the sight of Jodie and tom.

As soon as he looked back to me I held my hand out with a blue pill placed onto the tip of my finger I watched as I could see bill debating it in his head however he didn't take long before he stuck his tongue out allowing me to place to small pill onto the top of his tongue.

It had been about 30 minutes before bills pill had kicked in and we ended up on the dance floor together feeling as much ecstasy as the other the music louder than it was before and I wrapped my arms around his neck a laugh exciting my lips as we danced together our pupils both the size of beer caps. I closed my eyes as I danced along with bill alcohol and Molly moving throughout our system as we tried to forget Jodie and toms actions. "Screw them..we have our own fun!" Bill said to me as I opened my eyes to his words locking eyes with the boy infront of me "yes screw them!" I shouted in excitement before I grabbed bills hand and pulled him away with me.

I followed as Nicole pulled me with her to a hallway with less people , tom was always against doing drugs he was more of an alcohol person but seeing Jodie with someone else and seeing how much fun Nicole was having I couldn't help myself I was stuck in my thoughts before I nearly stepped on a person passed out drunk below me. That's when I looked up at the female infront of me the drugs completely taking over my body the two of us no longer having control of our own actions.

I couldn't help myself i immediately smirked at the blonde infront of me as I watched her smirk back at me I placed my hand on the wall behind her , using my other hand to grip at her waist as we placed our lips against eachother exchanging saliva as the kiss was sloppy from the alcohol but I couldn't help myself I pulled myself closer to her as our kiss became more and more passionate as I felt her lips pull from mine I couldn't help but frown looking up to her eyes but I could tell from the look she had in her eyes she had other plans than to just kiss me.


Just as I was about to lean back into bill I heard Tom's voice from around the corner calling Shannon's name from affair, as soon as I heard her name exit from his mouth I grabbed onto bill and smashed my lips back into his as passionately as I possibly could feeling him grip at my waist almost eager to pull me as close as he could.  I felt at ease with bill I felt more romance than lust like I did with Tom I couldn't be too sure however as I wasn't sure if I meant it or if it's because I was high.

I walked around the corner trying to hunt for the familiar brunette I had been accompanied by the whole night but my eyes were soon met with the sight of the girl I liked being pushed against a wall my own twin with his tongue stuck down her throat. I felt my throat go dry as I watched as Nicole rubbed her leg against bills , her hands running through his hair as he gripped at her waist.

I immediately walked up to the two and pulled bill away looking at the two anger filling up my whole body , but for some reason I let it all go as I looked at the two their pupils nearly taking up their whole eyes "what the fuck!" I shouted at the two Nicole lowering her eyebrows as if she had done nothing wrong "what? You left me from the moment we got here to flirt with shannonnn so I can do what I like." She harshly explained as I watched her slur her words , I just closed my eyes in disbelief as I asked Georg to take bill home and he happily obliged taking bill away from me and the blonde who were now standing outside. "What is wrong with you!?" I shouted at her my jaw clenching in anger as I looked her in eyes. "What's wrong with me?" She laughed in my face I could tell she wasn't gonna sober up definitely not today. "You left me from the moment we got here!" She shouted back at me pushing me back with her hands "I am so stupid to believe your stupid lies all the time!" She shouted again as she scrunched her nose up "I'm so sick of being a toy so just leave me alone!" She hissed before pushing me once more and falling back onto the floor herself as she laughed to herself .

"Nicole let's go please before you hurt yourself." I pleaded but as I leant down she slapped my hand away "get away from me!" She shouted slowly getting herself up , I had finally had enough I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder chucking her into the back of the car before pulling off and going back to the hotel I had booked.

As we arrived to the hotel I picked her back up once again as she had passed herself out on the way here and I slowly carried her up to the hotel room , placing her onto the bed and tucking her in. I couldn't sleep with her however the image of her and bill was stuck in my mind, the way he held her so close and the way she was looking into his eyes made me sick to my stomach and I stayed up all night thinking about it.

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