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I was slowly woken by banging on the hotel room door a groan exciting from my mouth before slowly getting up to walk towards it. As I looked around bill was no where to be seen however I was certain he had an interview so I wasn't angry at all. I walked to the door in my underwear and bills top and opened the door "what!" I mumbled looking up to Tom a sleepy tone in my voice. What was he doing here , what could he have possibly wanted now. Instead of replying he walked into bills room and closed the door looking straight into my eyes "please tell me this isn't real." He explained walking towards me. "What isn't real?" I asked as I watched his eyes drift from mine to the shirt I had on "you and bill." He coldly explained as he placed his hand onto my cheek ,making it so I couldn't not look at him. "Yes it's real..." I explained looking up to him my grows furrowed "why do you care?" I asked as he let out a sigh "why my brother Nicole seriously?" He soon became angry so I just pulled away and rolled my eyes "because I like him I cant control who I have feelings for maybe you should've thought about that before you explained to me that I'm worse then Shannon." I explained to him before I walked to the bathroom trying to find my clothes from the night before.

"So you're now banging my brother?" He asked with a laugh as he followed me to the bathroom "Nicole come on." He joked looking down at me "yes I am and why is that funny I think you seem to forget that he's your twin." I harshly snapped back I was about to walk away but just as I was about too he blocked me with his arm. "Leave him." He almost commanded making me look at him and laugh "what! No way." I replied "why should I Tom I don't belong to you." I explained as he looked down to me a frown now placed onto my lips "yes you do." His words caught me by surprise and I just stood there for a moment trying to think of what to say "no I don't." I explained looking him straight in the eyes "actually your brother does while I'm bent over that bed behind you." I couldn't help to say it , it almost just slipped out but the look on toms face made it all so worth it , he looked so shocked and disgusted but so hurt and after saying I belonged to him like property he deserved it. "Oh and don't forget we got our double date later so I'll make sure I get a round or two in before we leave." I snarky commented before budging past him to get dressed. Instead of saying anything he just left slamming the hotel door shut behind him, I just sighed and picked up phone up to call bill hoping he would be much longer.

I was sitting on the bed still in bills shirt as I couldn't be bothered to get changed , finally the hotel room door opened and bill walked in with a laugh "you will never guess who called me yelling at me." He sarcastically replied walking to the edge of the bed and looking down at me "of course he came to yell at me this morning." I explained as I laid on my back looking up at bill a smile on my lips as I looked up at him. "I heard" he replied "he was shouting cause of the comment you made." He explained causing me to roll my eyes "he's such a baby." I responded drifting my eyes from the door to bills eyes once again "what did you say?" He asked as he took off his jacket "he tried to say I belonged to him so I told him that really you did when I was bent over your bed." I explained looking to bill with a smirk. The boy instantly turned to me his eyes widened before he walked to me "now I know why he's angry." He said before looking down to me.

I looked down to Nicole taking my gloves off as I had just come from a interview meaning I had to dress up, but she had a smirk on her face and not a sarcastic smirk no a lustful smirk. The comment she made to Tom must've been stuck on her mind since the moment he left. I threw my gloves down and leaned down between her legs placing a small kiss onto her forehead I didn't want to kiss her until she initiated as I didn't want to make her uncomfortable but before I could even pull away her lips were placed onto mine as she eagerly gripped onto my face, pulling me on top of her and I finally pulled away to face her , her eyes were full of lust as I watched as her eyes trailed from my eyes to my lips once again. "Wait wait Nicole are you sure?" I asked I wanted to make sure she was certain before I carried on but instead of replying she just pushed me down climbing on top of me biting her bottom lip.

(Smut ahead)

I smirked and gripped onto her waist as I smashed my lips back into hers , her hands gripping onto my hair as I slowly pulled away pulling off my top and hers before pulling her back in to kiss her once again. I could feel her hands fiddling with my belt buckle as we kissed so I allowed her to undo them as I left hickeys down her neck, small moans exciting her lips as I sucked onto her skin. She finally pulled my jeans off as I stood back up walking behind her and immediately bending her over the hotel bed , her back arched as I slowly pulled down her underwear and pushed myself into causing a small grunt to leave my lips as she let out a cute moan. I gripped onto her hips and slowly thrusted myself into , gaining pace as we went. Her moans were making it harder the last long the way her voice was moaning my name I couldn't hold it in. My eyes immediately rolled back as I gripped onto her harder I pumped myself into her one last time before pulling out to make sure we kept it safe.

I immediately collapsed onto the bed out of breathe as bill walked to the bathroom to clean up , I wiped my head to make sure I had no sweat and soon got up my breathing heavy, my legs felt weak but I just shrugged it off and soon got ready for our double date.

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