Maybe girl

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Toms pov

As I looked over to her I could see her eyes glossing over in the light her lips forming into a small frown, I sighed and instantly pulled over knowing she was either about to get mad at me or get upset. "Nicole she's just another girl." I tried to explain but I should've realised that that sentence wasn't what to say she instantly started shouting at me. "No Tom! She's not just another girl she's a sweet girl who really likes you and just because I'm jealous doesn't mean I'm gonna ruin it for her and you shouldn't either!" Her eyes soon began to fill with tears and that's when it hit me that she was really upset about it and that her 'I don't care' attitude was all a front. "I'm not gonna let her do what I did! I'm not letting another poor girl fall into your trap!" She shouted at me as tears poured down her face , "when are you gonna grow up Tom and realise that you are so disgusting for continuously throwing girls away when you're done with them." She asked looking into my eyes.

Nicole's pov
I looked into his eyes hoping for some sort of response some sort of guilt in his reaction but instead he just looked away from me and sighed "why do you even care so much?" He asked as she turned to look at me once again "I don't know why and if I'm being honest I don't even know why I'm in this car because I'm always pulled into this trap of yours." I explained , he instantly leaned into me and wrapped his arms around me causing me to just burst into tears into his arms as I dug my head into his chest , luckily he wasn't wearing white.

"I'm sorry..." he pleaded as he placed a small kiss onto my head "look let's go to this club and let's just enjoy ourselves let go of every hard feeling and just start again.." he suggested and I just agreed with a nod as he finally started the car and made his way to the club.

A few hours had paced and I was already near blackout drunk as I sat at the vip table bill had booked just watching Tom dance with Shannon a hard pain in my chest as I watched them with a frown. But I also didn't wanna ruin it the two looked so happy together and all I could do really was be happy for them. I just poured myself another shot as I sat alone at the table everyone being off with someone , For once I didn't have an interest in dancing or with any of the men that wanted do dance I just couldn't keep my eyes off of Tom and Shannon I for once felt a thick feeling of jealously and I didn't realise why. Then I looked around and realised why , I was sitting at the same table I met Tom at and we were at the same club and he was dancing with her where he was dancing with me , that's when I suddenly felt a huge wave of sadness fall over me I felt my eyelids drop and I could feel my eyes beginning to water up. I immediately got up and left the bar I was holding back as many tears as I could but as soon as I sat in the back of the cab I burst out in a silent cry as I drove home looking out the window.

Tom's pov
Shannon went to the toilet so I went to go sit down to catch my breath and grab a drink when I noticed Nicole was gone I looked around and I couldn't see her anywhere, I walked up too Jodie and bill "hey have you guys seen Nicole" I asked but they both just shook their heads so I decided to ask the bar instead.

"Hey excuse me did you see a blonde wearing pink at all?" I asked the bartender with a worried lock planted across my face , Nicole usually wondered off but not without making a scene first so for her to leave in silence was weird. "Oh yeah she left I think around.... 15-20 minutes ago." The bartender replied as he was cleaning a glass "looked like she was upset about something..she left in quite a hurry ." He told me with his brows furrowed and that's when it hit me , did she leave because of me or Shannon , "thank you!" I shouted to the bartender over the music before walking outside to see if she was still out there but there was no sign of her. I immediately pulled out my phone and tried ringing but it went straight to voicemail 'great her phone was off..' I thought to myself before I ran to my car and jumped in driving towards her apartment.

Nicole's pov
I entered my apartment and closed the door behind me with tears still pouring down my face as I walked to my bedroom just throwing myself on my bed with a scream. "Arghhhh!!" I shouted into my pillow before crying out again, I was drunk and full of emotion I should be fine in the morning- hopefully anyway. I threw of my shoes and just climbed into my bed with my clothes on and just laid there looking at the celling taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down from the hysteria.

I soon heard my door open being so drunk I totally forgot that Tom had my spare keys because I left them in his car. I instantly jumped up hearing my door open and walking towards my hallway.
"Nicole..?" I heard him question before he laid his eyes upon me , mascara down my face and lipstick smudged around my mouth tears drill dripping down my cheeks. "Hey.!" I just smiled making sure he wouldn't guess that he was what was wrong. "Oh my god are you okay?!" He asked as he closed the door behind him walking up to me "I'm fine just tired and drunk." I lied refusing to make eye contact with him "Nicole you cant just leave that like I was worried and you turned your phone off.." he explained looking down at me "Nicole look at me." He almost commanded as I looked up at him "I'm sorry I wasn't thinking.." I mumbled.

I was about to walk away from him until he grabbed my hand "Nicole I'm not stupid what's up with you.." he asked making sure to look me in eyes "I'm-I'm fine Tom.." I mumbled trying to pull away but he just pulled me closer "just tell me , I'm never gonna know if you don't tell me." He explained as he pushed my hair out of my face "was it me? Did I do something?" He asked but I just refused to answer "tell me!" He demanded his jaw clenching in irritation. "No!" I shouted back bursting into tears once again "why are you even here go back to your girlfriend and just leave me alone god you didn't care when I was all alone in that stupid nightclub, sitting by myself and drinking by myself while everyone had fun!" I shouted at him through tears as he just stood there almost in shock "I looked like an idiot and I was so alone but no one cared then! Oh and to make it even worse no one even realised I was gone..." I mumbled sadly looking up to him with a frown.

"I cared..." he mumbled back wrapping his arms around me "I noticed you were gone... I noticed you were upset.." he continued stroking the back of my head as I just cried into his arms falling to the floor as he slowly went down to hold me still. "I didn't know you cared this much.." he explained as he rubbed my back in comfort "neither did I!" I explained in a cry back to him gripping onto his arms tightly.

Toms pov
I stayed on the floor with my arms wrapped around her for what felt like hours before I realised she had fell asleep holding onto me, I swiftly lifted her up and carried her to her room placing her down onto her bed about to tuck her in before I felt her grip tighten around me , I smiled lowly before taking my shoes off and slowly climbing into bed with her and letting her cuddle up to me. I pulled the duvet up over the two of us and I had purposely turned my phone off so nothing would wake her up. I quickly nuzzled up to her and closed my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep with her cuddled up to me my arms wrapped around her tightly.

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