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I slowly awoke to my alarm clock and I yawned and turned to turn it off a groan as I slowly sat up to stretch , I had an interview in an hour to speak about Audi and honestly I was not prepared. I rubbed my eyes and finally made my way to the bathroom taking a quick shower. I knew the weather wasn't the best so I decided to wear a pair of flares low waist jeans with a design on the pockets and a playboy low cut top. I threw on a pair of trainers and threw my hair up in a bun , throwing on some makeup and finally looking around for my phone.

Finally I got a message from my manager that she was outside and I smiled to myself before leaving the hotel , cameras flashing and people shouting my name as I just smiled and waved before getting in the car "it's 10 am can't these paparazzis find something else do." I groaned looking at my manager "it's their job just like it's yours to look pretty." She sarcastically replied causing me to just roll my eyes as we drove to the interview.

Apparently the host was a very popular German host so I was told to be on my best behaviour from my manager and as tired and hungover as I was I had to agree. So as the interview started I walked out with a huge smile on my face as I gave the interviewer a small hug. In a way I was happy Tom and bill weren't here but I was also sad , they're comfort would've helped but I knew I would've also become nervous if they were here. "So Nicole we have pictures of you linking hands with none other than tokio hotels Tom Kaulitz! Do you have anything to say for that?" The question made me widen my eyes as I couldn't help but let out a laugh "Nothing like that As you know him and bill are advocates for Audi and I'm only modelling for their brand." I explained as I smiled into the camera , I could feel my managers eyes burning into my head as I refused to turn her way. "However two years ago pictures of you and bill were taken , sharing a kiss in his car in London." The interview was obviously pressing for a response but I just replied as the best I could knowing I couldn't lie. "Yes we went on a date when we were younger but nothing came from it." I reassured him as he nodded in response. "So we're you hired anonymously or did you get the job because of your relationship with the twins." As the host asked the questioned I immediately scrunched my face up and turned to look at him "excuse me?" I immediately asked him as I stopped laughing along with him. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I was becoming angry , I knew hosts could be out of pocket but for some reason that specific question made me angry "no I was hired anonymously by the owner of Audi and no input from Tokio hotel. My skills and my looks are what got me the job not my sex life." I quickly snapped back as the crowd immediately shouted "oooo" I watched as the host suddenly became nervous before letting out a laugh to change the subject "thank you Nicole for being here tonight and I hope to see you again soon." He stated before I just put on a fake smile to the crowd and waved as I walked off , walking back stage in a huff.

"Nicole! Why would u say that!" My manger asked me as I looked at her in disbelief "im sorry he tried to suggest that I got the job because I slept with them!" I replied with a scoff. "Why aren't you backing me up?!" I snapped at her body walking out of the building in a huff. I know managers helped with publicity and jobs but I would've hoped she had morals.  I immediately called a taxi home as I didn't know my way around and I refused to get in my managers car at the moment.

I heard my phone ring so I sighed and answered it "hello?" A familiar deep voice replied back to me "hallo, are you okay me and bill just watched your interview?" I immediately threw my head back in frustration, great now everyone had seen that host made me look stupid in front of thousands of people. "No not really." I explained a frown placed onto my lips as I held the phone to my ear "now the whole of Germany thinks I'm a whore." I sighed, "no they don't. Where are you I'll come and get you" he suggested "I'm a taxi on my way home... " I explained looking out the car window.

"I'm coming to get you."

I have massive writers block at the moment but a new chapter will be out by the end of the week!

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