Forget me

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We soon arrived at the hotel Tom had been staying at the whole drive had been silent since his last comment and I felt so drained and exhausted so I was a little happy to be going somewhere I could nap. "Come on." He requested as he got out of the car which I hesitantly followed "why are we here ?" I mumbled strolling behind him with no energy in my walk I was so relieved that paparazzi was no where to be seen i definitely couldn't have dealt with that right now. "Because I need to make sure you don't do something you shouldn't." He explained as we made our way up to his hotel room.

"Bill isn't here, he is with your friend tonight so you have nothing to worry about." He reassured as we walked into the room , I was mostly silent honestly I had nothing to say , I just felt horrid not only with the situation but also my reaction I made a fool of myself all over a man I had no romantic feelings for. "Nicole?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tom's voice "are you okay." He asked his accent thick on the last wor of his question "yes I'm fine." I coldly replied "have you got a balcony here." I asked Tom just replying with his finger pointing towards a balcony I just nodded my head and walked to the balcony and getting out a pack of cigarettes and taking one out to smoke.

"You smoke..?" He mumbled walking out onto the balcony "yes I smoke sorry does that ruin it for you." I sarcastically replied taking a drag of the cigarette with a sigh looking out into the view of the light up London sky. "No it doesn't." He replied walking to stand next to me "London is pretty at night no?" He asked looking at my face "if you're rich and live in the city yeah." I explained to him looking back at him with a small smile.

"Nicole look." He went to plead but I just stopped him "no you were right, we're not together and you did nothing wrong I had too much to drink I mean I was stupid I have no feelings for you as it is." I explained looking into his eyes , I could feel his expression change he looked almost dissatisfied but also relieved and if I was honest I couldn't tell if he was happy or mortified with what I had said.

He just nodded in response "good." He quickly said looking away from me "I got a date with a girl tomorrow so I'm happy you feel that way." He explained leaning his arms on the balcony. His statement caught me off guard and I instantly looked at him with my brows furrowed "a date?" I laughed "nice so you've got a date but you stopped me from going to find my own tonight." I shook my head in disbelief walking past him back into the hotel room. "No , you were going to make a mistake you were so drunk." He tried to back himself but I just lowered my eyelids "I was drunk because of you." I coldly replied grabbing my house keys where he had placed them "where are you going now?" He questioned walking towards me "home." I looked at him "I am going home Tom so that I can go to bed and be away from you." I opened the hotel room door. "Atleast let me take you home!" He pleaded "No! Just leave me alone" I sighed walking out "oh and you're blocked so don't try to call me and stop coming to my house I'll just stop answering the buzzer." I harshly snapped at him slamming the door closed and leaving him just standing there before I left the hotel.

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