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It had been a few months since tom and bill first met Nicole and tom felt deflated no matter how many girls he hooked up with in Germany it wasn't the same his mind just kept taking him back to to the same blonde he hooked up with on his birthday and they hadn't seen her since not only have they been back in Germany but she also didn't leave a number or a last name and its been the only thing on toms mind. so when their manager revealed they were performing in London tom began packing straight away and planning how to get her to see the concert. as him and his band mates got onto the tour bus he started to brain storm ideas with his brother "we could put something online?' Bill suggested tom shaking his head in response "no no its not certain that she will see it" he replied "how about posters in the nightclub we met her in?" tom suggested to his brother his eyebrows raised with a smile planted across his face. "yes yes!" bill exclaimed "ill tell our manager straight away." he smile dialling his manager up and explaining the plan .

Nicoles pov

with the usual music blaring and lights flashing in my eyes and alcohol being in my system you just knew it was Saturday night. and as usual i was on the dance floor with Jodie another two random men grinding with they're hands wrapped around our waists still not knowing each others names. when suddenly i heard my name "Nicole! hello Nicoleee!" i turned my head to see Jodie waving her hand at me." i need a drink." i explained to the man behind me so he would go away before i headed to Jodie. "what?" i asked thinking something was wrong "is that not the boy you had a one night stand with?" she asked her hand pointing towards a poster with 4 boys plastered on the front of it. "oh my god! he's in a band!" i almost screamed at her "wait wait don't freak....lets go to the concert ." she said grabbing my arms "nu uh no way that seems like begging." Jodie suddenly dropped her face "were going now come on lets go its literally tomorrow we need to find outfitsssss." i groaned and agreed me and her walking out of the club to get a black cab home.

Time skip (day of the concert)

Tom was pacing up and down behind stage mumbling to himself "what  are you doing?" Bill asked his brother with a tilted head "stressing out? do you think she saw the posters?" he asked his brother "yes i'm sure tom stop worrying it starts in ten."

soon the four walked out on stage adoring fans screaming for them but tom wasn't paying attention to them he was looking for one person and thats when he saw her dressed in low rise jeans and a crop top standing with her best friend who he also remembers both blonde haired almost matching clothes you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. The boy instantly smiled looking at her hoping she would look at him but as he trailed her eyesight he realised she was locking eyes with his brother a smirk and wave being projected from the two. His face instantly scrunched in anger towards her and his brother. Throughout the whole concert Nicole never let her eyes meet toms instead they kept on bills and she knew what she was doing , she knew she was creating a horrible feeling of jealousy in tom but it was like she almost enjoyed doing it , she enjoyed knowing both boys were interested in her, that she had the option for both whenever she wanted it. Tom felt a new feeling of anger and jealousy come over him making him grip onto his guitar hard to keep his feelings intact and hidden.

As the concert had ended tom jumped off of the stage gripping onto Nicoles hand hard but making sure he wasn't hurting her at the same time, he began pulling her away from the crowd and behind the stage "what do you think you are you doing?!" he questioned his jaw clenching in anger " i'm at a concert?" she replied with a huge amount of sass in her tone. "no you know what i mean. flirting with my brother the whole time? acting like i don't exist.." he replied placing his hand on the wall behind her " you know what you're doing." he stated looking down at her "ohhh you're jealous i find your brother better than you." she replied tilting her head up to him, which caused him to scoff instantly "why did you lave me after the club?" he asked looking into her eyes "because you were a drunk one night stand?" she replied "not everyone wants you playboy" she followed in a cold tone. "Nicole i don't want you as a girlfriend i want you whenever i'm in London." he explained moving his face down towards hers. Her face scrunched instantly at his remark 'god is he always this quick' she thought to herself "i not a whore go buy yourself one music star" she sarcastically replied about to walk away from him before he gripped onto her hand pulling him back into her. "what now ?" she asked with a huff "don't get with my brother." he stated sounding serious she just rolled her eyes and walked away from him "watch me." she shouted tom groaned lowly to himself before going to pick up his guitar to walk back to the party bus.

About 10 minutes later tom opened the bus door to see the girl he just argued with sitting with her legs across bills lap as they giggled and laughed together "hi tom..." she giggled turning her face so she could lock eyes with him. " me and bill were just discussing where we should go tomorrow you know for our date?" she explained knowing it would cause a reaction " a date? you two?" tom asked having to double check what he was hearing. "yes Nicole asked me on one she said she got your permission." as bill spoke to his brother the girl shot a petty kiss to tom."yeah she did." tom replied bluntly "can we go back to or hotel now?" tom huffed throwing himself on the seat opposite them. His brother agreed.

the drive to the hotel wasn't long around 10 ish minutes as the three arrived to the hotel bill went to his room first leaving Nicole and tom alone in the lounge bit of their suite "i cant believe you." he bluntly stated his jaw clenched and his eyebrows furrowed. "i said watch me playboy." she replied walking to the kitchen island to grab a snack , as she bent over the island however her pink g string could be seen from her low rise jeans immediately catching toms attention."you're supposed to be with me." the boy mumbled causing the girl to turn to him "no i'm not tom,i get to choose who i'm with and i mean seriously why would i pick you ?" she scoffed as he walked towards her causing her to back up onto the island "so i can be another one of the girls you just throw away i don't think so." she stated almost getting angry at the boys stupid remark "you think i don't know about you tom? young rockstar who just uses girls i'm not as stupid as i look!" she explained expecting the boy to get angry but instead he just smirked using his tongue to play with his lip piercing.

The girl looked up at him confused but almost liking the tension between the two, The boy soon leaned in to her grabbing her waist and pulling her in his lips soon touching hers and in a matter of seconds the two were making out , lipstick down toms face as they pulled away both with deep breaths " this is wrong..." she mumbled but he just ignored her and pressed his lips against hers once again soon picking up her legs allowing her to wrap them around his waist as he brought the girl to his room dropping her onto his bed. As much as she felt bad she looked up to the boy with a smirk before standing back  to push him onto the bed straddling his lap soon after 'thought you weren't stupid" he commented "shut up..." she whispered locking lips with the boy once again as she felt him grab her thigh.

The morning after the girl awoke rubbing her eyes before looking to the boy beside her covered in her lipstick around his face and chest before looking at herself and seeing she was full of hickeys "fuck." she mumbled waking the boy beside her "tom! you idiot im full of hickeys." she stated punching him lightly "ow." the boy groaned before sitting up. "what the hell am i gonna say to bill." she stated looking at him for help.

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