Bruised mistake

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Nicole was pacing back and fourth in the hotel room thinking of ways to cover up her mistakes from the night before she could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she finally stopped pacing his room instead now stopped at the end of the bed in toms sweatshirt , it being so big it was basically a dress."what do i do ?" she questioned once again but just as the boy was about to answer she heard bill calling toms name."shit." the boy mumbled "hide in the bathroom" he told the girl as he quickly jumped out of bed pulling his jeans around his hips, the girl nodding and running to the bathroom.

As Tom was able to buckle his belt his brother opened his door "Morning, have you seen Nicole she hasn't messaged me and she just left last night?" Bill asked showing his brother his phone with the obvious no messages "no. no i haven't seen her i mean you cant be surprised she done the same to me." the boy replied knowing he could get an insult in as Nicole couldn't say anything. "i guess. why have you got lipstick all down your face?" Tom had totally forgot about the lipstick and the question almost made him choke up. "oh you know usual girl." he tried to make his excuse assuring but deep down he knew his brother knew that he was lying "okay...well i'm going out today and if she actually replies ill be out till late so you're on your own tonight!" he explained to his brother before turning to leave.

Tom sighed ,deep down he felt terrible for what he had done but he also didn't regret it not one bit "he's gone you can come out," he shouted to the girl shamefully hiding in the bathroom"i'm definitely leaving this time." she harshly stated to the boy on the other side of the room picking up her clothes from last night."your'e just leaving?" he questioned looking at the girl once again "yes i'm leaving i'm a very in demand girl." she smirked wiping under her eyes to get off the excess mascara "you cant leave in that dress you will freeze to death." he stated his eyes looking up up to her "i have no other clothes." she explained with her dress in her hand. "wear mine." he said walking towards the girl. "are you crazy?" she asked him with a laugh "i have no idea how paparazzi haven't caught me and you on both occasions but if i leave this hotel with ur clothes on its for definite" he smirked leaning his face down "maybe i want them too." the girl quickly rolled her eyes " i don't i like to have my men lined up." she responded looking into his eyes "they wont know its you." he explained taking his hat off his head and placing it onto hers "i don't want you getting cold.." he almost begged finally allowing the girl to give in.

After about 5 minutes of arguing the girl was dressed head to to in his clothes , she had his baggy jeans on using a belt to hold them up and one of his jumpers including his hat."i look stupid." she complained as she watched him throw on another top of his to match his outfit more. "you look fine, now come on ill drive you home before bill knows you're here." he suggested the two finally leaving the hotel room together and taking the lift down. However as soon as the two stepped outside all the girl could see and hear was flashing lights , camera clicks and paparazzi shouting toms name but instead of stopping tom just grabbed the girls hand pulling her into his car. She finally sat in the passenger seat wit a sigh as the boy pulled off away from paparazzi. The car was nice an Audi 4 by 4 to be more specific "your cars nice.." the girl complimented as she took his hat off her head. "thanks but its not mine only a car i use in London." He responded with a laugh. "oh then ill have it while you're in Germany." she joked looking up to him. "only when you agree to be mine." he responded, his response caught the girl off guard she only saw him as a one night stand and she was worried that he might've been catching feelings for the girl but then she thought to herself was she also feeling the same way. "Im only joking Nicole you don't need to get all soppy.' she snapped out of her thoughts "oh yeah i know" she explained with a nervous laugh , she felt almost disappointed by his words but she didn't get why she wasn't into him like that the thought of being with him hadn't even crossed her mind so why was she upset by him not being serious.

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