Getting high

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I awoke to see Tom missing from my bed and just groaned in annoyance before turning to grab my phone and opening it a message appearing on the Home Screen.

Hey I had an interview this morning but there's a party later and you're joining me ;)

I smiled in response and just put my phone back down before walking to my wardrobe to find an outfit it took me nearly 20 minutes before I decided to wear a cute little blue strapless dress with a pair of cute blue heels to match throwing on my cross necklace and big hoops and throwing my hair in a half up half down hairstyle. I looked into the mirror with a smile before calling up Jodie I was certain she'd also be going to the party. I picked up my phone and dialled her number, waiting for what felt like forever for her to actually answer. "Hey are you going to this party thing with bill tonight?" I asked her finally putting the phone to my ear. "Yes of course I don't know what the wear though..what are you wearing?" She asked me with almost urgency in her voice "oh ermm a blue dress and some heels simple honestly" I replied with a small laugh "okay okay thank you I'll see you in a bit!" She explained before ending the call.

I soon walked to my sofa and sat down in the middle throwing the tv on to see what's going on in the world , immediately as I turned it on though the interview that Tom had filmed this morning was playing and I couldn't help but let a smile creep onto my lips as I listened to him speak his German accent peaking through with certain words. That's when the question was asked that made my smile almost get smacked straight back off of my face.

"So Tom we all saw you at that soho club with the brown haired are we expecting you to soon be in a relationship?" The interviewer asked causing his fans to almost immediately shout and scream in the background. "! No girl here she was just a small date nothing more." Tom replied leaning back into the sofa a smirk placed onto his lips. I just closed my eyes and breathed in before I heard my phone ding again.

hey I'm outside are you ready?

I looked at his message and for some reason felt butterflies throughout my stomach. I was nervous oh god why was I nervous. I just shook off the feeling and grabbed my bag and keys and made my way out to his car. The car was different this time though it was no longer an suv instead an Audi a1 in all white with red accents I just smiled and opened the passenger door and got in. "Hey gorgeous." He spoke with a smirk on his face as he placed a kiss onto my forehead. "Hey.." I replied with a smile before we finally pulled off and made our way to this party.

After about a 30 minute drive Tom pulled onto a drive with about another 40 or so cars parked outside and behind was a huge mansion with lights flashing and music blaring. "Come on you ready?" He asked to which I replied with just a nod and got out of the car walking beside him as we made our way inside. I walked past multiple girls as they scrunched their face up at my presence hating the fact I was locked arms with tom as he walked ahead of me. We walked into the living room and I sat onto the sofa in the room as Tom walked away with one of his friends. I was sat alone for a while just looking around and watching the people around me before a boy sat next to me with a smile I looked up to him and nearly melted in my seat , he had fluffy brown hair and the cutest dimples at the corners of his mouth as he smiled down at me. "Hi I'm Alfie." He introduced himself as he handed me a drink. "Nicole..." I introduced myself back as I took the drink from his hand taking a sip. "Wanna dance?" He asked as I looked around hopeful for a sight of Tom and with him no where in sight I soon accepted "sure!" I agreed happily quickly downing the drink the stranger had given me.

I had been dancing with the boy in front of me for about nearly 20 minutes before I looked behind him to see Tom leaned against the wall staring straight at us , I instantly smirked before turning back to the boy and pushing myself closer to him as he span me around so I was no longer locking eyes with Tom instead had my back to him. He could now know how I felt the night of the pub and the night of the club. The boy infront of me soon dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a clear bag with 4 blue pills placed inside , the pills were dented with small smiley faces all over them and that's when it hit me what the boy had in his hand, I immediately looked up to him with a smile. (Drug abuse warning) and held my tongue out as he smiled and placed one onto my tongue immediately placing one on his own after.

It had been about 30 minutes and the boy had walked away leaving me to myself and as soon as I went to turn to Tom it hit me and i immediately felt as though I was floating. My head felt light and I smiled to myself as I realised I was tripping , I hadn't taken pills or drugs for nearly a year as me and Jodie tried to stop taking them but I missed the feeling and I felt so euphoric as I looked around me. Music blasted in my ears as lights flashed into my eyes.

I looked around after grabbing myself a drink to see if I could spot Nicole as annoyed as I was that she was dancing with another man I was happy she wasn't alone. I turned towards the kitchen and suddenly spotted the same brunette from earlier , Nicole not by his side I watched as he offered the two girls he was with pills and that's when I realised , Nicole must've taken that drug and she was by herself. I went to go and find her but was suddenly stopped by a female hand "tom?" I heard a familiar female voice call. Shannon soon smiled and wrapped her arms around me "I wondered why you hadn't called back! Are you here alone?" She questioned "no no I'm here with the whole band." I replied walking towards the living room , Shannon following behind me "you got a date tonight?" She shouted over the music as we got to the living room "I did..." I replied as I looked into the living room Nicole not there either.

"Oh...we'll she doesn't look like she's with you." She explained as she pulled me onto the dance floor with her "dance with me." She stated as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "No I need to find someone.." I explained as I tried to pull away "I'll help you look after..come on." She pleaded as I finally gave in dancing with her as her arms wrapped around my neck.

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