Paparazzi problem

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Nicoles pov

i walked into my apartment and threw myself on the sofa , this whole situation felt so weird i mean i had no feelings for tom when he isn't there but when i'm with him they all come rushing to me at once maybe i just enjoyed his attention you know liked the idea of him not liked him. i just got up from my sofa and sighed walking to my bathroom to get into the shower.

Finally my face was clean of makeup and i just threw on some pjamas  shorts and top and placing my hair in two plaits thinking of something to occupy myself with i sat at my desk and logged onto my laptop to visit my social media to check up on peoples post when suddenly a post caught my eye it was a picture of me and tom walking to his car luckily my face wasn't in it but the caption read 'mystery blonde girl at toms hotel' i just sighed sinking into my chair , bill was definitely going to know it was me suddenly however i saw a notification on my laptop a friend request from none other than tom "are you serious.." i hovered over the notification for what felt like hours before finally accepting it a message instantly coming through after

TOM KAULITZ did u see the posts?

NICOLE A yes i saw.

I never received a message back from him so after waiting another 10 minutes i just closed the laptop and decided to go and make breakfast just deciding to make a slice of toast as i wasn't too hungry it was a Monday anyway and there was nothing to do so i didn't need much energy finished my toast and decided to just clean my apartment as it was a wreck from me and Jodie getting ready on Saturday however in the middle of cleaning i heard a load of shouting and my buzzer going off. ' what the hell is going on' i questioned before walking to my door buzzer and pressing open door i was so use to Jodie pressing my buzzer i forgot to even question who it was before walking back to my room however i heard my name come from a males voice "Nicole?" it was tom of course it was and thats why there is shouting i heard the door close behind him before he waked in my heart was pounding but why was i nervous i mean of course i was nervous why was here? "yeah?" i questioned "where are you?" he asked looking around confused i walked out into the hallway " here. what do you want?" i questioned tilting my head to him "just wanted to come round." he responded throwing himself on my sofa "is that paparazzi shouting outside?" i asked leaning onto the door frame, "yeah sorry.." he explained looking up to me "oh my god so now they know where i live you moron!" i groaned closing my eyes "and don't u wanna be seen with a celebrity" i scoffed in response ' god is he so cocky' i thought before frowning "does bill know?" i asked knowing the answer already "yeah but he doesn't care he's actually on a date with your best friend" he responded shrugging "oh." was all i could responded i was happy with his answer but where did this so care free attitude come from.

After a few minutes of silence tom finally spoke again "so what do you do for fun in London?" he asked causing me to smile "oh loads but mostly go pub with your friends honestly" i responded with a cheerier tone than usual " do you have friends?" he asked his german accent coming through more than usual "yes do you want me to ask them?" i asked looking to him "yes." he responded "okay let me get dressed then" i responded about to walk to my room "can i come with?" he asked with a smirk on his face "no." i replied walking to my room with a smile on my face.

About 30 minutes later i walked out in a pair of low rise jeans with pockets on the back and a black tie neck top which was backless and a pair of black wedges and simple makeup as my face needed a break from all the heavy makeup and my hair was down in a side parting "okay i'm ready" i stated grabbing my bag and some money off the side "do u need to be dressed up?" he asked , he was dressed in his usual baggy jeans and a green t shirt with nike high tops "no no i just like looking nice" i explained holding my hand out for him to which he finally smiled grabbing my hand and leaving with me but something had Completely slipped my mind paparazzi as soon as we excited lights began flashing and paparazzi began shouting. i could feel my heart pounding as paparazzi surrounded us like my heart was gonna rip out of my skin luckily tom just tightened his grip onto my hand and w were able o make it to the car.

I got into the passenger seat and tom finally pulled off "does that not annoy you?" i asked him as i could see his mouth in a downwards smile "sometimes but i'm used to it now i just don't want them to hurt you," he explained , i felt a smile fall onto my face as a feel of comfort filled up the car "thank you." i responded "drive straight for another 10 mins and the pub should be on the right." i explained before looking out the window looking at all the Restaurants  as we drove past.

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