Against you

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I groaned and slowly fluttered my eyes open feeling a horrible pounding against my head , I felt like shit and my body felt so weak. I soon sat up and looked around not recognising where I was, I furrowed my brows and stood up stumbling as I did a feeling of nausea hitting the back of my throat. I soon found my way to the bathroom and looked into the mirror my pupils not longer huge and instead back to their original size , I sighed and turned on the tap to wash my face when I heard the hotel room door open again. I immediately dried my face walking out of the bathroom to be met with an irritated looking Tom. "Hey..." I said to him my voice was raspy so I must've been shouting the night before. "Hi." He coldly returned not moving his eyes from mine "are you okay...?" I asked as I walked towards him but he just walked away from me "I'm fine , what about you did you think of bill last night?" His words made my body go stiff and it immediately flashed back into my mind that me and bill were making out last night.

"Look Tom I'm sorry...I wasn't thinking straight.." I tried to explain but he just looked down at me his nose scrunched almost in disgust. "Don't even." He replied about to walk away before I grabbed onto his hand "please I'm so sorry I saw you with Shannon after you left me and I just- with the pill you know I couldn't-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before he pulled away from me "what have you got against her?" He asked me the question almost taking me by surprise "because you choose her over me..." I mumbled looking down to my hands. He didn't say anything he just scoffed looking at me again I could feel his eyes piercing into me as I refused to look up "I don't." He explained using his hand to push my chin up "yes you do I mean why did you even invite me to that party , you left me as soon as you got there and then I find you with her.." I explained refusing to make eye contact with him. "So you go off with my brother." He snapped back pulling his hand from my chin "maybe I should've picked her over you.." he explained to me before walking away again.

I was left in the room alone as he walked to the bathroom , I just stood there in disbelief as the words he just said kept replaying in my mind , I felt my eyes begin to tear up and just wiped them quickly grabbing my shoes and leaving his hotel room slamming the door behind me. I could feel the tears about to steam down my face my bottom lip struggling not to quiver with sadness, just as I was about to get the lift I head bill shout my name from down the hall. It was the last thing I needed right now. He walked up to me and instantly grabbed my hand pulling me into his room "bill-" I was instantly cut off by him closing the door and speaking over me "Nicole we seriously need to talk." He spoke looking into my eyes , his eyes were Exactly the same as toms but they were softer less angry more innocent, I looked back at him "I know bill I'm so sorry about giving you that pill I shouldn't have and I'm so sorry if toms angry at you , you can blame it all on m-" I was cut off as bill wrapped his arms around me in a comforting way, not like a romantic way more like he knew I needed it.

"Stop apologising we're both in the wrong... actually no all four of us are." He stated tightening his grip around me "all four of us..?" I asked looking up to the boys eyes once again "Tom and Jodie aren't innocent either." He explained as we sat on his bed together to talk. "I haven't even spoke to her...have you spoke to Tom?" He asked tilting his head towards me "yeah...that's where I was he erm..." I could feel myself getting emotional all over again as I tried to explain to him what Tom had just said to me. I know he had the right to say what he said and I don't blame him what I did was horrible and I have no excuse but it still stung and it was just stuck in the back of my mind. "He explained that Shannon is better for him." I responded as my voice cracked in sadness , my eyes glossing over from tears as I looked at bills face. He looked in disbelief before placing his hand on my cheek with a smile "then let him think that...he'll soon realise how wrong he is." He explained caressing my left cheek with his thumb as I dug my face into his hand with a smile. Bill was so sweet and now i was sitting here I was not only annoyed at me and Tom but Jodie Aswell I wasn't understanding why she had cheated on bill and if I was honest I didn't even wanna ask why.

Bill looked at me before letting out a small laugh "I got a fun plan.." he proposed to me a look of excitement planted on his face. I looked at him in complete confusion as I waited for him explain. "If Tom is gonna bring Shannon with us all the time we need to really rub in what he's missing.." he explained wiping my tears from under my eyes, "let's make him jealous." He explained with a smirk pulling on his lips. I wasn't quite so sure at first but I soon gave in and agreed to bills plan I knew it would work as much as I didn't wanna see Tom and Shannon together I knew in the end I would get him back.

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