Playboy bunny

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It has been about a year since I last saw Tom and If I was honest I was totally over him , although the band had been getting more popular and he was on more interviews and adverts I somehow managed to avoid most of them and bill and Jodie didn't work out for long so really there was no need for him to be in my life at all meaning I could just avoid all things about him.

It was finally October 31st 2008 meaning Halloween a day I could dress up as a whore and not be mistaken for a prostitute , this year I decided to go a playboy bunny but instead with shorts and a corset instead of the whole body suit , it was sexier in my opinion. Me and Jodie had been invited to a party in the middle of London so of course we had to go.

As we arrived into the party there was music blaring and people shouting and dancing and of course there were people already drunk me and Jodie were soon split up which honestly was fine as I was already dancing with someone a few shots down and a couple cocktails.

An hour or so had gone by before more people began turning up causing the party to become a bit more chaotic I decided to switch the person I was dancing with as he just kept moving to other girls that's when I felt a hand tap on my shoulder "wanna dance?" A deep males voice sounded behind me "yes of course!" I shouted not turning to see who It even was as I was dancing infront of him.

Suddenly  I looked up to see Jodie talking and laughing with a familiar long haired male "I'm sorry I'll be right back I need to check on my friend!" I shouted before the male stopped me "no need they needed reuniting." He explained causing me to spin my head my eyes immediately meeting the familiar brown eyes of Tom. "Miss me .?" He smirked wrapping his arms around my waist "I didn't even realise it was you... you're English has gotten very good!" I smiled honestly I had no bad feelings towards him we never got serious so I learned to just let it go. "Yes I had to learn we were touring too much" he explained as he continued dancing with me "I've seen." I replied with a laugh. Honestly he was even hotter than the last time I had seen him and his voice was deeper it almost caught me off guard.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and continued to dance with him throughout the song trying to not look into his eyes, I was enjoying his company but I wasn't getting pulled into his stunt once again. "I like you're costume.. playboy bunny right?" He asked trailing his hands down my torso "yes a playboy bunny!" I replied looking at him trailing my eyes down to his lips it I couldn't help myself he just had something about him that always drew me in "you could be in playboy." He whispered into my ear with a smirk "shut up." I giggled looking up to him , he has definitely gained even more confidence since his popularity grew and he's even cockier.  "Bill was so happy when he saw Jodie I thought he was gonna pass out!" He laughed pulling me closer to him "I'm not surprised she is very gorgeous." I explained looking up to Tom as he pulled me in.

"I'm leaving this party soon you coming?" He questioned placing my hair behind my hair "I'm not sure I mean there are 100s of girls here you sure you don't wanna look first?" I questioned looking around me at all the girl googling over him "nah they're not you." He explained locking his eyes with mine "oh I'm sure playboy." I giggled as my favourite song came on "oh my god you're definitely dancing with me!" I exclaimed as he nodded grabbing my hand before spinning me around so he was behind me once again wrapping his hands around my waist as we danced together to the song that was playing.

Around 40 ish minutes later we had escaped to his car with a laugh "I missed you." He said leaning his head back on his car seat and looking to me with a smirk. "Oh quit it , you missed sex not me." I joked with a laugh before tuning the radio to a party station as we drove off "I did not." He explained placing his hand onto my thigh while driving "wanna go to a hotel?" He suggested looking to me for a second "don't be silly we can go to my apartment save money." I suggested as he nodded and made his way to my apartment.

We finally arrived at my apartment as he closed the door behind him "oh you've changed the place around I see." He stated looking around "yeah I got a better job so I bought nicer furniture." I explained throwing myself on the sofa as he sat next to me "it's so cute how Jodie and Bill made they're way back to each other." I stated with a smile happy for my best friend "what about us ?" He suggested looking to me for an answer "what about us..?" I asked looking at him with my eyebrows raised "we found our way back to each other." He whispered moving closer to me , I felt my heart drop to my stomach as he said that and all the emotions I had buried nearly came shooting out at once " yeah we did ! Now I can make sure you get a good girlfriend !" I exclaimed looking up to him not getting closer to him but also not moving away.  I watched his eyebrows lower in confusion like he wasn't used to being told no or being rejected "then why haven't you given me you." He smirked placing his hand onto my face caressing my cheek with his thumb , as soon as I felt his hand touch my face I closed my eyes as I felt my body stiffen up "tom..." I whispered looking up at him once again "it's different this time.." he reassured me before leaning in and pressing his lips against mine the metal from his lip piercing making  my bottom lip feel cold as I slowly kissed him back placing my hand onto the hand he had placed  on to my face.

I pulled away and looked up at him with a smile causing him to let a smile appear across his face , I felt myself almost melt into the sofa as I watched him smile at me "I'm tired..." I complained with a yawn "cmon let's go bed." He suggested as he took my hand and we walked to my bedroom, I just changed into some pj shorts and top and Tom just went to bed in his boxers. We just slept cuddled wrapped in eachothers arms like we didn't wanna let go , like we were scared we were gonna lose eachother in the night.

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