Memorable faces

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London United Kingdom 2010 7th July

It had been two long years since I had last seen Tom and bill and the whole of tokio hotel I hadn't seen Jodie either since that night however the band wasn't the only people soaring to fame, I was able to score a modelling job a year ago and since then have been in many magazines and run walks. The band them selfs had been doing well from their tours and interviews I didn't really have the time to think of them not once. But modelling didn't end up what it seemed as much as the attention was nice I had no real friends and no one to console in when things went south. With no distractions however I was able to push on with my career and make myself a worldwide known name.

A month ago I was approached by the owner of Audi a famous German car brand , they wanted me to model for their new a1 shape a i definitely didn't turn it down not only did I get a full month free in Germany I also got paid and received a whole car for the job and I also left later tonight for it. I was no where near done packing and I was almost nervous I had never been out of the country alone but this time I had no one to go with me especially since I had just split with my boyfriend at the time. I was stuck in though and packing and I didn't realise the time I was leaving in only 2 hours "fuck.." I mumbled to myself before I quickly grabbed my suitcases and left for the airport.

The flight to Germany wasn't long around 2 or so hours but I was so tired when I got there that I crashed as soon as I got to the hotel room.

I slowly woke to my manger calling my phone I answered and mumbled "hello?" I complained before looking at the time 7:30am it was time to wake up and leave. The good thing about modelling was that I just had to throw on a random outfit as I was dressed and got my makeup done there. I stumbled out of my hotel room and walked downstairs my manger was driving me to the shoot as she had a German license I did not. I finally got to the shoot at around 9am and was instantly put into the makeup chair as they found me an outfit. I was put in a mini skirt with a white low cut top and a pair of white heels to go with , they paired it with a dark Smokey makeup and my hair in a bouncy blowout the complete opposite of what I actually like. I soon was ready and walked out to be greeted by an all white Audi a1 that I would be be modelling with. I smiled as I walked towards the car placing my hand on the bonnet "is it mine after?" I asked my manager looking at me angrily as I quickly shut up. I soon began posing mostly shots of me over the bonnet or leaning back onto it as most shoots were.

I walked into the shoot that I had set up with Audi as the new a1 shape had just come out , I walked in to see bill looking straight at the model bent over the car in the show room. And I could see why as I walked over I couldn't help myself stare and I'm pretty sure my mouth was wide open. However cause we were at an angle we couldn't see her face no matter how hard we tried it was impossible.
"Wow.." I said causing bill to look at me with a smirk on his face his arms crossed over his chest "tell me about it." He replied as I leaned onto the wall watching as the woman infront of us change poses as the cameras flashed nearly every second.
"Don't you know who she is?" I asked my brother as I trailed my eyes down her legs "No I let our manager take care of it." He explained with a small laugh before the shoot finally ended the same model now standing up to shake the photographers hand.

Me and bill clapped when the shoot was over walking out towards the girl but as she turned all three of our faces turned to shock not a single word being spoken. "Nicole these are the men who you should be thanking they own part of Audi and are the people who hired you." Her manager explained as Nicole just forced a smile onto her face and held her hand out to us "nice to meet you and thank you so so much." She exclaimed as bill shook her hand in confusion. "There's a launching party for the car so you'll be seeing each other again." Her manager explained as I just stayed quiet my eyes not leaving her for even a second. But when her eyes finally met mine I felt a horrible feeling in my stomach almost like I was gonna throw up. "Guess I'll be seeing you soon then.." she explained as bill hadn't let go of her hand yet , I was certain he didn't want too. However she soon just pulled her hand from his and walked away with her manger leaving the two of us behind in shock.

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