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It had been a couple of days since me and bill had come up with our scheme against Tom and I hadn't seen either of them as I needed a couple of days to collect myself and take care of my stuff. As I was finding an outfit for the day my phone dinged and I immediately picked it up to check what it was.

hey I'm coming to pick you up so paparazzi catches it ;)

I smiled as I read the message and quickly pulled myself together throwing on some low waist von Dutch jeans and a black halterneck top , throwing on some black heels and pulling my thong up so it could be seen through my jeans. I straightened my hair into a side parting and threw on my gold cross and gold hoops and grabbed my bag walking out of apartment to see bill waiting in his car paparazzi shouting and waving at me and bill as I walked to his car, just for the pictures I threw on a pair of playboy sunglasses and waved at the paparazzi getting into bills car and giving him a small kiss so it could be pictured. After the two of us were sure that the pictures were taken we pulled off knowing it would take less than an hour for Tom and Shannon to see the pictures.

I was sitting in the hotel room my arm wrapped around the familiar brunette that had been keeping me company the last few days as I turned the tv on , pictures of Nicole and bill were plastered all over it. She looked so good in the pictures as she walked to bills car but my body immediately froze up as the picture of them kissing in his car came next, my face immediately scrunching up. "Awh you're brother's girlfriend looks nice." Shannon complimented as she snuggled into my arm.  I didn't know how to react without making it obvious I was annoyed so I just forced a smile to Shannon "isn't she." I mumbled to her before quickly changing the Chanel debating on what to do. If she had really made a mistake why was she now seeing bill and why was she more okay with paparazzi seeing them together but hid when she was with me. My head was racing with questions but I couldn't figure an answer for any of them and had to just stay silent as Shannon spoke to me about what she had planned for us to do but I couldn't listen to her I felt betrayed not only by Nicole but bill Aswell,

I pulled the passenger mirror down to apply lipstick as bill drove us to this fancy restaurant he wanted to take me too, "that definitely worked!" I laughed as I looked to him with a smile on my face pushing the mirror back up a as we pulled into the restaurant parking lot. "Definitely!" He explained before looking at me "ready?" He asked as I nodded in response , we both stepped out of the car as he placed his hand into mine as we walked into the restaurant together. We were quickly seated together as ordered as we were both starving. "Oh oh! I have a good photo idea!" I whispered to bill as I slowly used my foot to rub up bills leg knowing paparazzi were outside taking pictures of the two of us. The black haired boy just smirked in response and leaned forward to place a passionate kiss onto my lips and i immediately kissed back a smile onto my lips. I looked into his eyes and smiled as I pulled away placing my hand into his the wheel duration as were at the restaurant.

We had left about 40 minutes later and made our way to bills hotel room a giggle exciting my lips as we tried to be quiet walking down the hall however we were soon met with a familiar couple a smirk placed onto my lips as they came into view. "Oh my god! Hi I'm Shannon I'm toms girlfriend!" Shannon exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me, I just hugged back with a smile on my lips to make it seem like I didn't hate her guts. "We like saw you guys all over the news you're so cute together!" She explained as bill wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer "aren't we?" Bill replied as he looked into toms eyes. I however refused to make eye contact with Tom as I knew it would've been full of hatred "we should definitely double date tomorrow how cute would that be?!" The girl asked innocently as she looked to tom his jaw immediately clenching in anger "yes! We should I'll text you guys tomorrow!" I replied as I pushed myself into bills arms "we've gotta go now can't keep him waiting any longer." I joked as I winked at the two before pulling bill away and entering his hotel room. I knew the last comment would be stuck in toms mind and I knew it would cause more anger when he finally explodes but in a way I also felt bad , I felt like I was using bill but then I wasn't because it was his plan, the whole thing felt weird but I just wasn't certain about anything or any feeling I was having.

I immediately threw myself on his bed and groaned "bill, you don't mind if I stay the night right im so tired." I complained looking up to him with a smile "of course not." He replied passing me one of his shirts "you can wear this.." he explained as I nodded throwing it on infront him. I immediately crawled into bed as bill got in next to me. I couldn't help but look into his eyes and smile to myself I didn't know what was going through my head but I just leaned in and placed a small kiss onto his lips as I felt his arms wrap around me I realised he didn't mind "goodnight bill..." I whispered as I laid back down to sleep. "Goodnight Nicole.." he whispered back as we both finally fell asleep our backs facing eachother.

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