Lets be strangers again

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It was around 7:20pm as me and bill finally finished getting ready I just threw on a simple outfit but one that I knew would still catch attention as we were just going to grab a few drinks at the pub together. I finished putting my shoes on and looked up to bill who was looking right at me , I couldn't help but smile at him before he spoke "ready?" He asked as I just nodded in response before walking towards the door "okay so there meeting us there so we can think of something to do when we're in the car" he explained as I just nodded once again making my way towards the car.

The drive wasn't long only about 15 minutes I looked into the mirror above me and traced my hand down the hickeys bill had left across my neck looking to him after. "He's so gonna blow his shit." I explained making bill laugh "oh yeah he is." He agreed as we finally parked before making our way into the pub, Shannon and Tom were sitting at a booth like table on one side waiting for me and bill so we sat opposite them, bill sitting opposite Shannon as I sat opposite Tom on purpose.

As soon as I sat down I could feel toms eyes on me , glaring at me as I watched his eyes trail the hickeys down my neck to my chest. "you two are cute!" I complimented the two sitting ahead of me "thank you! I love your top!" Shannon complimented me and I just smiled at her "oh I'm gonna get us some drinks what would you guys like?" I asked them Tom just wanting a beer and Shannon wanting a cocktail "what about you..." I asked bill placing a kiss onto his lips "whatever you want..." he replied as I smiled and walked away to grab them drinks.

As I was at the bar I felt someone grip onto my waist I thought it was bill so I turned with a smile but my face soon dropped when I realised it was Tom "get off me." I coldly snapped at him pulling away but he just grabbed my hand again and pulled me outside to his car. "No we need to talk." He growled at me before he got into the drivers side and I reluctantly got into the passenger side. "You have 5 minutes hurry up." I explained looking to him.

He immediately placed his finger onto my hickeys and looked at me "you actually slept with him." He asked in almost disbelief which confused me I mean why was he so shocked he knew it was coming. "Yeah I did." I replied looking straight into his eyes I could see him starting to become angry "why do you let paparazzi take pictures of you two together but you hid when you were with me.?" He asked placing his hand onto my thigh not taking his eyes off of mine. "Because he doesn't just get with me when he wants I don't mind being seen as someone's girlfriend I do mind being seen as someone's toy." I snapped at him slapping his hand off my thigh "Nicole don't do this." He almost pleaded causing me to almost feel bad "do what ? Be happy god I'm so sick of being there just when you want me , I'm not an object Tom I'm actually a person." I explained looking out the window "I'm sorry someone realised that before you did." The car immediately went silent and he just pulled me to face him "Nicole I want you." He whispered into me stroking my face with his hand "I need you." He sighed before softly kissing my bottom lip allowing me to widen my eyes.

I knew the plan would work but not this quick and I was worried I wasn't sure who I wanted anymore I was so attracted to Tom but my time with bill was so sweet I almost didn't want it to end but I knew it was all a fake being with bill but it felt so real but it wasn't just that I also felt terrible knowing that Shannon was so innocently in the dark, "I'm sorry Tom I can't be the one to do this to Shannon I won't do it." I explained pulling away from him "look I want you too Tom but you're never going to change when you actually start to grow up maybe speak to me." I explained before I was about to get out I looked to him "look can you tell bill I'm sorry." I stated before I got out and left.

I realised the best way to not ruin Tom and bills relationship was to stay out of it and to go back to my own life they weren't going to be in London forever and to stay away was my best option so instead of making my way back into the pub I made my way home blocking both of the boys numbers as I was in the cab a smile on my face and I leaned back into the chair. I may see them again but I knew I wasn't going to be the one to ruin their dynamic or them selfs.

I needed to keep away so I guessed the best way to do was to let us be strangers again.

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