Playing me

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I slowly awoke turning to see Tom had already left I just sighed before sitting up , of course he was why was I even surprised. I got out of bed and stretched letting out a small yawn before making my bed. I felt so rough and I had a horrible throbbing throughout my head, I wasn't too shocked from the pain though as I did have a shit ton to drink the night before.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom as I got into the shower feeling horrible from the night before , as I was wrapped in the towel however I heard my phone call so I quickly made my way to the kitchen to answer using one hand to hold up the towel and the other to hold up my phone "hello?" I answered making my way to my bedroom so I could get dressed at the same time "hey what you doing today?" Jodie asked from the other side of the phone "nothing really why?" I asked her as I threw on a mini skirt with a long top and some ugg boots "wanna come to my house for a few?" My best friend suggested which I obviously couldn't say no too "of course I'll be there in 20." I explained before I ended the call doing my hair and makeup before grabbing my bag and keys and leaving my apartment.

I decided to walk too Jodie's instead of getting the bus so it took me around 25 minutes to get there , I walked up to her door as I opened it and walked in heading music from the driveway. Jodie's door was always unlocked during the day so I just walked in and made my way to her garden which was where the music was coming from "heyyy" I teased walking out into the garden being met by more faces than I expected. Bill and Tom was there including the rest of my friends "oh I didn't know everyone was coming." I stated in annoyance looking up the Jodie. I wasn't annoyed at Tom just a bit disappointed that he left without saying anything. "Sorryyyy.. can I make it up to you with a drink?!" Jodie exclaimed handing me an orange juice which I was certain had vodka in it "maybe." I replied taking the glass out of her hand and sitting on the garden sofa opposite Tom and bill.

I took a sip of my drink and placed it onto the table in front of me "bill did u stay here last night?" I questioned with a smile looking up at him "yeah I stayed with Jodie after we left the party" he explained shooting a smile to Jodie before looking back at me, I was about to reply before I watched an unfamiliar female walk into my best friends garden "hiii , I brought a bottle out of respect." She explained before sitting next to tom and looking at me "hi I'm Shannon toms date!" She explained holding her hand out to be in excitement "good for you." I coldly returned her offer not pacing my hand and instead looking straight to Tom who was staring right at me.

Jodie instantly came over and sat next to me to make sure there wouldn't be a problem "where did u go last night Tom?" I instantly shot a petty smile as soon as the question excites her mouth "that's a good question where we're you last night?" I asked as I watched the boy quickly sit up "just at my hotel room." He lied with a nervous laugh wrapping his arm around the brunette girl sitting next to him "I'm surprised you two didn't run into each other." Bill stated Jodie nodding in agreement "yeah so weird we didn't.." I explained shaking my head and finishing my drink in one. I definitely needed alcohol if I was gonna deal with his shit today. I soon looked at everyone before standing up "well I'm going to make another drink so." I stated before walking to the kitchen and pouring myself another vodka and orange, just as I was about to leave Tom leaned himself on the door frame "listen-" he was about to speak but I just cut him off "it's different this time." I stated mocking his words from the night before as I just budged past him walking back out into the garden "Sooo I have an idea..." I suggested to the group sitting together "why don't we go clubbing?!" I suggested once again with a smile across my face "yes!" Bill shouted everyone agreeing even toms date. "Okay I'm going to my house to get ready" I explained with a smile before heading to my house to get ready once again.

An hour or so later I got a phone call so I answered it as I was doing my makeup "hello.?" I answered as I was looking for a lipstick shade "do you want me to pick up?" A familiar male voice asked down the phone "Shannon is meeting me there and I don't want you to walk." He explained , I sighed i didn't want to cave into him but I also didn't wanna walk
"Sure I don't mind." I replied with a sigh looking into the mirror infront of me "okay I'll be there in 15." He replied hanging the phone up. I let out a groan before putting on lip liner and finishing it off with a pink gloss to finalise my makeup.

I waited almost 30 minutes before I was about to make my way myself my phone buzzing from a message.

I'm outside :)

I sighed a little before grabbing my door keys and walking outside to see his very familiar car waiting outside, I opened the passenger door and climbed in with a smile "thanks." I said with a thankful gone in my voice. "It's okay... you look good." He complimented me with a smirk on his face his eyes trailing down my body. "My eyes are up here rockstar." I mocked before locking eyes with him "besides stop checking me out your new little girlfriend is waiting for you." I sarcastically stated before turning the radio on. "Yeah yeah whatever." He replied before pulling off and driving towards the club.  Throughout the drive I could feel myself accidentally staring at Tom the headlights of other cars lighting up his face as it was dark outside, his jawline almost purposely highlighted in the light.

After the drive being silent for over 5 minutes he finally spoke to break the silence "so what do you think of Shannon..?" He asked looking at me , I felt my whole body stiffen up as he asked I was trying to hold back any emotion I felt knowing he couldn't use it against me if I didn't show it , "she's cute." I coldly replied looking straight at him "that's all you got?" He asked me with a small laugh using one hand to drive the other moving to hold onto the gearstick of his car. "I don't really care to talk about her." I explained looking away from him and out of the window my bottom lip struggling not to frown , suddenly I felt a warmth on my thigh as he gripped onto it with his hand rubbing it with his thumb. I instantly looked at him my bottom lip in a small pout "Tom..." I sighed with a frown "I'm not doing this with you and I don't wanna make it awkward for bill and Jodie and that poor girl Shannon is actually so sweet so quit it." I pleaded my eyes easily glossing over as I looked down to his hand than back up to his eyes.

" I pleaded my eyes easily glossing over as I looked down to his hand than back up to his eyes

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Both outfits 1st when she was at Jodie's 2nd for the club

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Both outfits
1st when she was at Jodie's
2nd for the club

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