I forgot you

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The time was now 8pm and guests were beginning to show for the party , me and Tom had decided to host it at our house as it was big enough and easier for us to arrange. However I wasn't caring about any quests I only cared about her and I cared when she was going to walk through the door. I had made sure my hair was nice I had made sure I looked  good for her I wanted her to be with me I wanted her to remember what we had together. Tom had already had his arms around two blonde girls giggling at everything he said which just made me scrunch my face up in disgust sometimes I really wondered if he actually wanted the attention.

As I was left in my thoughts I heard a familiar voice "hi thank you for having me." I looked up to be greeted by Nicole holding a bottle of alcohol in her hand "hey of course!" I replied with a smile as I took the bottle of alcohol from her hands looking at her as she smiled looking around awkwardly that's when I realised she was alone she knew no one in Germany so I looked around and took her hand "oh let me introduce you to some people!" I suggested as she nodded with a smile leading her to the kitchen where two girls stood talking amongst themselves. "Nicole this is Esme and Rory!" I exclaimed as I looked at the two Nicole looking at them with a smile "hi nice to meet you guys." She explained holding her hand out to shake theirs as I watched almost in awe at everything she did.

A few hours had gone by and Nicole was already drunk with her two new friends , the three of them laughing so hard nearly the whole house could hear. Before I could walk back over to them I saw Tom flirting with Esme Nicole and Rory just rolling their eyes at the two , I immediately felt bad for Nicole once again but I also felt at ease knowing my brother wasn't after her when I wanted her, when I needed her. I smiled to myself as I walked up to Rory and Nicole sitting next to the both of them "oh my god bill did you know Rory is also from London!" Nicole slurred her words as she smiled laying her head onto my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her body "yeah I know we've done shoots together before" I explained with a smile looking at Rory "that's so cool!" Nicole replied while looking up to me as her eyes shined from the lights flashing throughout the house. I couldn't help but find myself lost in them as I stared at her with a smile.

2:00 AM
I stumbled into the kitchen with bill wrapped around my waist the both of us giggling and laughing at each other drinks in both of our hands , it never hit me until now how much I had missed him and how much I had missed someone's company. However the feeling was soon ruined as a girl pulled bill away explaining that she needed him for something leaving me in the kitchen alone pouring myself Another drink. I looked out towards the living room full of people with a smile for some reason knowing the twins were with me gave me some sort of comfort even if me and Tom weren't exactly talking to each other just yet.

Finally I decided it was my time to leave and make my way home I had a full day of shoots and interview the next couple of days but I don't wanna leave without saying bye it felt rude. I tried looking for bill but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't spot him anywhere so I finally sighed and just walked up to Tom with a smile "thank you for hosting can you tell bill I said bye!" I asked him as I watched his eyes trail from my legs up to my eyes a smile on his face "took you long enough to speak to me." He joked before wrapping his arms around me as I wrapped mine around his neck to give him one back "sorry sorry!" I explained with an apologetic tone "also do you know what the taxi number is for here I don't have a car?" I asked him with a small smile edging at my lips. "No no I'll take you home it'll be my treat!" He suggested as he held his hand out to me. I reluctantly took his hand in mine as we made our way out to his car paparazzi swarmed everywhere causing me to quickly drop his hand from mine. I didn't wanna deal with the news papers or drama surrounding it.

The drive back to my hotel was mostly silent as I looked out the window most of the way , I wasn't really sure on what to say to him so many thoughts were racing around my head but I just kept them to myself as it slowly began to rain a frown slowly appearing on my face "shit...I'm gonna get soaked" I complained frowning to myself as we pulled up to the hotel as I looked at Tom. I couldn't help but stare , his dreadlocks were gone and his hair was now braided and his jawline. I quickly shook the thought from my mind before speaking "thank you." I explained placing a small kiss onto his cheek as he smiled back at me as I got out of the car using my bag to hide my hair from the rain "please get home safe!" I stated before closing the door and waving goodbye to him as he drove off a sense of almost relief as he drove away.

I just sighed to myself and made my way to my hotel room immediately stripping from my dress and climbing into the bed with a yawn , I was so tired from all the work today I fell asleep instantly but I was quickly awoken by my phone ringing from an unknown number. "Hello I said in a tired groan as I looked at the time 2:57am. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you...I got home safe and bill said to say it was lovely to see you." I couldn't help but feel myself smile as I heard his voice although not the same as it was I could tell that it was still Tom and that made me feel some sort of comfort "good I'm happy you're safe." I replied with a tired whisper "I'm sorry I'll leave you to sleep goodnight Nicole I'll see you soon..." I heard him whisper back before the phone call ended. I just threw myself back down onto the bed and stared at the celling , left with these memories and thoughts swarming round my head soon causing me to fall asleep my body knowing I needed it.

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