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Frostbite Really Sucks

Loki urgently shook his sister's shoulders, pleading with her to wake up. 

Eventually, her eyelids fluttered, and she let out yelps of pain as Loki attempted to drag her out of the fallen ice. This did prove to be successful, and he set to work setting her leg and trying to mend some of her ribs with his own magic. 

Laufey, however, took notice of the distracted brothers (as Thor had been watching the interaction, unsure of what to do) and made a final attack. Waving his hand over an ice sculpture of sorts, a creature of mythical proportions burst out. It was a gigantic pig-like animal with tusks on the corners of its mouth. 

And then it let out a screech. 

Loki, having heard the noise, looked up in a panic. When he saw the beast, he looked back down at his sister. 

"No. Don't you dare. Your ribs are broken, and some of your leg bones have been split. You can't get up now."

Y/N grunted as she attempted to sit up, having her ribs mostly healed. "Maybe not the way you are thinking. But I'm the goddess of elements. There's more than one way for me to get around."

Raising one hand, her face scrunched in deep concentration, she eventually bent the freezing winds of Jotunheim to her will. Her body, along with Loki's, began to float. 

Directing the way with her hand, she flew over to Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. "Hey! Need a lift?"

Without waiting for a reply, she raised her hand up further, and caused the four soldiers to levitate. Ignoring their yells of surprise, she directed all of them towards the edge of the cliff, where they had arrived. 

Thor and the remaining Jotuns watched as the young goddess carried herself and the five others across the frozen wasteland. 

But the beast didn't hesitate. 

It ran fast, its paws seeming to glide across the ice in surprising grace. Soon, it had caught up to all of them. 

Y/N was starting to feel tired, having already badly injured herself, and now carrying six Asgardians. So when she got knocked out of the air with a swift strike, her body had no reaction except to comply with the laws of gravity. 

As she made impact with the ground, the five remaining beings fell out of the air with a chorus of grunts and groans. 

Thor, having watched the whole thing, began to rage. Swinging Mjolnir at impossibly fast speeds, he took off into the air. 

The beast didn't even have time to react when Thor flew straight through its throat, effectively killing it. 

As Thor recuperated, he looked around himself. 

Lady Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogan were beginning to walk around once more. 

Loki had recovered quite quickly, and was now kneeling by his sister, who had silent tears running down her face as green and golden lights were shimmering around her torso and her legs. 

But none of them were ready for the Jotun army to gather themselves once more and surround them, Laufey at the lead of them all. 

As Thor readied himself to fight once more, a blinding light shone at the edge of the cliff. 

Odin had arrived. 

Laufey lifted himself to meet the king at his eye. "Allfather."

Looking weary of the frost giant, Odin responded, "Laufey. Call off your army."

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now