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138 4 8

Down With The Goddess

TW: Mentions of blood, use of weapons, and sensitive topics.

"Why are all these people coming down from the sky? Who do you think you are?"

"My friends! What are you doing here? I have been banished."

"It's obvious, isn't it? We are committing treason to get you home."


Y/N felt like her head was splitting in two. She had random gaps in her memory, and sometimes she would get bouts of deja vu. Despite all of her research, nothing came up about memory gaps and splitting headaches that came and went in the blink of an eye. 

She wanted to confide in Loki, or even Thor, if the oaf hadn't gotten himself banished, but.. she just felt like she couldn't. 

After pacing the library for hours, she sank down in an armchair and buried her face in her hands. Leaning back, her shoulders shook as she was racked with sobs. 

All she wanted was for it to be over. Why wouldn't it be over?


Loki stood at the Bifrost, holding Gungnir. Heimdall had left, as to not have fault in the treason being committed. 

Loki awaited the signal, readying the staff to open the gateway to the Nine Realms. 

After he heard the voice of Lady Sif, beckoning for the Bifrost to be opened, he went to place Gungnir in the slot. As he was just beginning to put it in its slot, he cried out in pain. 

A dagger had just been thrown at the back of his hand, effectively slicing it open. 

As he spun around to try and spot his attacker, he dropped the staff. But as he looked around, he saw no one. But the pain in his hand, along with the blood that now coated it, was very much real. He knew he wasn't imagining things. 

He felt his helmet get tugged off, and he watched it go flying across the dome. Stumbling back, he fell off the raised platform and had the air knocked out of him. 

Gasping for breath, he felt a weight start to press on his chest, and the feeling of a cold blade being pressed against his neck. As he squinted, he made out the face of his attacker. 

Smirking, Y/N raised her open hand, and placed Gungnir in the Bifrost using the now howling wind to her advantage. 


Thor stood in the midst of his friends, while Erik, Darcy, and Jane stood a while back. He and Sif had already shouted enough that their voices were becoming hoarse. 

Why was Loki not responding? From what the four warriors had been saying, Loki had become fair and caring. He let them go and promised to forgive all of them of the treason that it took to get Thor home. 

Thor was beginning to lose hope. Perhaps they had all been duped by the god of mischief and lies. From what Thor remembered from his childhood, it would not be completely out of character. 

But why now? When Asgard was at risk?

Was Loki planning something? Why wasn't Y/N or Frigga stopping him?


As the Bifrost was filled with light as the realms were opened, Loki felt something bind his arms and legs together, rendering motion impossible. Y/N had stood up, the dagger that had been at his throat just moments ago now lay at his side, forgotten. 

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now