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Dilemmas and Locations 

"Y/N is a bit of an oddity."

"She is not!" Loki snapped. "She just.. was confused."

Fury wrinkled his forehead. "Confused?" he snorted. "I wouldn't say that."

As Loki prepared to make another retort, Thor set a hand on his shoulder, giving his younger brother a smile. "It's alright. Let's make them understand." Thor turned his attention back to the group in the now more secluded room and continued to speak. "She's the youngest of the House of Odin, and the Goddess of Elements. She has always been kind and watched out for the other people of the court. However, when I was banished to Earth, Loki tells me that she started showing odd behavior."

Gesturing to him, Thor let Loki take the rest of the explanation. "When Thor was banished, Odin fell into the Odinsleep, which I figure is the Asgardian equivalent of a coma. I took over all the responsibilities of the crown and had to immerse myself in the work to try and undo damage I had done out of spite and jealousy." Loki inhaled sharply, and slowly let out his breath before continuing. "That's when I first noticed Y/N's behaviors. She would spend every waking moment researching and trying to find answers to something she didn't already have an answer to."

Tony let a scoff exit his mouth, but was quickly silenced by Natasha slapping his knee and glaring him down.

"Allow me to explain," Loki continued. "Y/N has never had the attention span to do so. She's a flurry of activity, and she never wanted to do one thing for too long."

Bruce looked thoughtful. "Sounds like ADHD or possibly ADD."

Thor looked confused. "What is that?"

"Uh, it's.. a sort of mental condition some of us have."

"Interesting. I want to hear more about these mental conditions, if would wouldn't mind. Doctor."

"Alright," Loki interrupted. "May I continue now, Brother?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you." At this point, Loki seemed a bit more interested in his boots and the color of the paint on the walls than the group sitting before him. "Y/N started losing control over some of the most basic parts of her magic. Goblets at supper would suddenly be empty, Asgard would be tormented by horrible winds, the gardens got out of hand, and seemingly random fires would start in the library. She was shaken, and I don't think she knew exactly what to do about it. 

"This is nothing that she would let happen. Y/N is a very skilled sorceress, as she knows more magic than just the elements."

Natasha suddenly looked alarmed and leaned forward. "Hate to be some mood killer, but we really need to find out where your sister is."

Fury nodded. "Agent Romanov is right. If we don't, there may be another attack."

As Natasha and Clint left the room, Loki suddenly held his palm against his forehead and stumbled back. Thor caught him before he could fall all the way to the floor, and immediately asked what was wrong.

"Y/N," he said breathlessly. "She told me where she was going."

Fury looked anxious. "And where would that be?"

"Germany." Loki locked eyes with Fury, further proving this was no joke. "Stuttgart, Germany."

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now