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A Sign

"I'm going."

"No, you are not!"

"I am!"

Thor glared at his brother, both of them standing on the Bifrost Bridge. 

"I have to go, Thor. I just have a really bad feeling about Y/N. I feel like she may be in trouble."

Thor looked sadly at his younger brother. "She's gone, Loki. She's been gone for a month now."

Loki grabbed his hair in both of his hands. "Thor, you don't understand! You know how she and I could communicate telepathically, right?"

Thor nodded, now looking confused.

"I haven't heard anything since.. that. But today I heard.. something."

"You heard something? What did you hear?"

"Well, you know the sound that a waterfall makes when it hits the rocks below? It sounded like that. It drowned every other noise out, even though I wasn't near anything that would be capable of making that noise."

Thor furrowed his brow. "And you're sure this happened? You're not imagining it?"

"No, I'm not," Loki rolled his eyes. "I know I'n not."

"Or dreaming about it? You have to remember, you had a nightmare not too long ago that she was upset with you for not saving her." When Loki protested, Thor held his hands up in surrender. "Loki, I know her death wasn't your fault. I am not blaming you, I am simply asking you to stop blaming yourself. Y/N/N (Nickname) wouldn't want that."

Loki heaved a sigh, "I know. But I would feel better if I followed my gut here."

"I am sure we can talk it through with Heimdall. Would you like me to accompany you?"


Thor smiled. "Alright then, off to Midgard!"

Hey... I know, its short. I'm sorry. But I really needed to get something out, and optimistically, I will have an extra-long chapter by tomorrow or Saturday!!

Stay tuned <3

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now