ᛈᚨᚱᛏᚤ ᚲᚱᚨᛋᚺᛖᚱᛋ (ᛈᚨᚱᛏ ᛏᚹᛟ)

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Party Crashers (Part Two)

As the jet slowed, the group was able to look outside the glass paneling to survey what they may be dealing with.

At first, it was extremely difficult to point things out, as a massive crowd of people was beginning to rush out of a building and pile in the street. 

Somehow taking no notice of the aircraft above them, they all turned to look in fear to something emerging from the structure behind them.

It was Y/N. 

Loki and Thor both plastered themselves against the glass to try and get a better look (Tony gave them a bit of a weird glance before shrugging it off).

Down below, Y/N was securing something to her belt before turning her gaze to the people gathered in front of her. 

And she laughed.

"Midgardians. I cannot believe my idiotic brother fell for one of you." She walked through the crowd, sometimes kicking people's shins as she went past them. "At least I have some comfort that you will all be eradicated off of this dismal place."

As those words left her mouth, lightning flashed before thunder shook the sky. Looking skywards, Y/N took notice of a strange object in the sky. As she trained her gaze on it, Y/N suddenly flew forward, stumbling as her foot caught on uneven ground.

Whipping her head around to face her attacker, she saw none other than her eldest brother, Thor.

Laughing while whipping her hair out of her face, she said, "Ah, brother. Come to finish me off?"

"No, Y/N. I'm here to take you home. Loki and I both."

"Loki?" Y/N looked around, her dress now slowly rippling in the steady breeze. "Where is the oaf?"

"Safe. I have come down for negotiations. Earth is under my protection, sister."

Y/N looked at the people gathered, who were all still cowering under the gaze of her startling blue eyes. 

Thor took notice. "Sister, please. What ails you?"

Y/N looked up to meet her brother's eyes, but didn't say a word.

Up above, the group was holding their breath, watching every move of the two down below. Loki had crossed his arms and furrowed him brow, not even taking notice of Thor. He was only watching his little sister.

"Y/N, we can help." Thor looked up, trying to catch eye contact with Loki. When he did, finally, he beckoned him to come down. Loki nodded, and promptly vanished from inside the jet.

Y/N had been studying her surroundings, and was subconsciously rubbing an area inside her left wrist. When Loki arrived down on the ground, he suddenly remembered the moment on the Bifrost Bridge, right before Y/N dived.

Thor took notice of something striping the inside of Y/N's wrist. Running towards her, he caught Y/N's wrist in his hand and studied it as she flailed around to try and escape his grip.

"Y/N, what is this?"

Still struggling in Thor's grip, she replied hastily, "Nothing, it's nothing! Just a way to try and ground myself, it's nothing!"

Loki met his sister's eyes. "Why did you have to try and ground yourself?"

Y/N glared at him. "I have no idea what you mean."

Thor started towards her, and Y/N suddenly lashed out. She had hidden a blade inside her arm guard and nearly slashed Thor's face.

Even as Loki ran to Thor's aid, he watched the blade. True to Barton's word, it was a dagger with a bright blue glow to it. It's ethereal glow entranced him, and Loki got distracted.

He was brought back to reality by having his cheek sliced open, right beneath his eye.

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now