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Jotunheim is Apparently Not Very Fun

So, true to what he was saying, Thor dragged his two siblings and his four friends down to the Bifrost to go and give a visit to Laufey and the rest of the Jotuns. 

As they rode to the Bifrost, they were stopped by Heimdall, who warned them that he would not open it back up for them if their return would call more harm upon Asgard. Thor accepted the terms, and seven of them were drawn into the force of the Bifrost and landed on Jotunheim. 

The first thing that Y/N noticed about the place was just how cold it was there. Well, it was to be expected, but it was a different kind of cold. It seeped into her bones and seemed to leave a permanent chill there. But, wanting to keep her brothers and Thor's friends safe, she persisted. 

When they arrived at.. well, it resembled a palace of sorts, Thor called out for Laufey.

"Laufey! How did you people find their way onto Asgard?"

Laufey, who true to his title as a frost giant, as he was absolutely huge, turned to face Thor. "The House of Odin is full of traitors."

Y/N thought she must be hallucinating, but Laufey was looking directly at Loki. As Thor shouted for Laufey to not disrespect his father like that, Y/N was trying to figure out why Loki may have betrayed Odin. Or if it really wasn't him. 

But before she could think too much about it, Loki had stepped out in front of Thor, and began to speak. "We will accept your most gracious offer, and we will be on our way." After giving a pointed look at Thor, Loki turned and began walking away. The other six followed, and then Laufey made another comment.

"Yes, run home, little princess."

Y/N whipped her head around, and Loki swore under his breath. 

Yep. Thor was so arrogant he couldn't take a small snide comment. 

Before any of them could do anything, Thor spun around and started attacking the Jotuns that were starting to loosely surround them. Without much of a choice, Loki, Y/N, Sif, and the Warriors Three attacked as well. 

Sif and the Warriors Three worked much with hand to hand combat. Sif with her shield and her short sword were a force to be reckoned with as she took down Jotun after Jotun. 

The Warriors Three worked with long swords, each using their own strengths to good use. 

Thor used Mjolnir, spinning the hammer in the air as he made attack over attack.

Loki and Y/N, however, used more long distance attacks. They both primarily worked with knives, but they also used their own gifts to their greatest advantage. 

Loki used illusions for distractions while either him or Y/N swept in with the attack. 

But, even with all their strengths combined, the Jotuns still pushed back. 

Volstagg, as he was sweeping in for a kill on one of giants, got his forearm grabbed. The giant's frosty touch was so cold, it burned his skin. 

Yelling in pain, he swept in for the final blow. As he held his arm in pain, he shouted out a warning: "Don't let them touch you!"

Loki and Y/N, now back to back, were starting to panic. Long distance attacks were great, but they knew it would not last forever. And now knowing that they couldn't be touched made it all the worse. 

Loki, having seemed to hear his younger sister's thoughts, turned and gave her a gentle kiss on her head. "It'll be alright. Can you close that cave opening? I know some of them are coming from there."

He was pointing towards a small cave with a triangular opening. Y/N took a deep breath, and took off running towards it. Loki watched her run, but was then caught off guard as a Jotun grabbed his arm. 

His armor fell away, and where the giant touched, blue took over his usual pale skin. 

But it didn't burn, like Volstagg said. 

Panicking, Loki hurried and killed the giant. As he watched his arm, the blue slowly faded and his usual pale complexion returned. 

But, when he looked around, he saw no one was watching. He wasn't sure if that was comforting or frightening. 

But before he could think too much about it, a big crash could be heard, and a woman's scream echoed throughout the clearing. 

There was only two women with the group. 

And the scream did not come from Sif. 

Loki ran, not thinking about anything else except that Y/N was frightened enough that she screamed. Except for the one time he had set loose a snake in her bed when she was a child, he had never heard her scream. 

Loki called out to Thor, who had paused momentarily in his fighting rampage. "THOR! Y/N IS IN TROUBLE, WHERE IS SHE?"

Thor looked confused, and shouted back, "SHE WAS WITH YOU!"

Loki rolled his eyes, and gave up on his blond brother's help. As he dashed towards the cave, he noticed that the entrance had indeed collapsed. 

But it had collapsed on Y/N. 

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now