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A Shadow of a Person

"Alright then, Clint. What can you tell us about our sister?" Thor asked.

"Well," Clint began. "Let me start off by saying it was dark. Really the only light came from computer screens and the Tesseract."

Loki was making continuous eye contact with Clint, while Thor gestured for him to continue.

"I was walking with Fury when she appeared. The Tesseract had opened a portal, and she had stepped out. She never introduced herself, just held up her weapon and asked us to hand over the Tesseract."

Thor furrowed his brows. "Weapon? What kind of weapon?"

Clint sighed. "That's where it gets complicated. When she stepped out, it was a spear of sorts. But when she threatened people, it was a dagger. It could shapeshift."

Fury spoke up and said, "Agent Barton was one she went up to."

Loki spared Fury a glance before glaring Clint down. "What did she look like?"

Clint scratched the back of his neck. "Like a teenage girl. H/L, H/C hair, and she was about Y/H. Covered in armor. But what was strange was her eyes. That's how I knew she wasn't from here."

Tony groaned, bringing everyone's attention to him, some glaring. 

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, he protested. "Oh, c'mon! Legolas over here is dragging it on forever!"

"Okay, first off, never call me that again. Second, I'm getting to it."

Tony leaned back in his chair, arms spread wide. "Floor's yours."

Clint nodded, turning back to face the pair of gods. "They were unnaturally blue. Like.. too blue."

Loki let his glance fall to the floor, dragging a hand down his face. "That matched her description up until the eyes. Her eyes are E/C."

 Fury sent a glare towards the trickster god. "You said you were positive it was her. Why the change?"

"I didn't say it wasn't her, did I?"

Fury fell silent for a moment. "Then what do you think is going on?"

Loki pursed his lips. "Was there anything strange about her weapon, besides the fact that it could shapeshift?"

Clint nodded. "It had a blue glow in it. Like a power source."

Thor cocked his head to the side. "Besides threatening your men, did she do anything else to you?"

"Besides taking the best weapon we have? No."

Loki smiled to himself. "Then it's her. Y/N doesn't have a malicious bone in her body."

Tony spoke up again. "I beg to differ, she took down the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. base when she left, and killed some people in the destruction."

"Was it her? Or the Tesseract?"

For once, Tony didn't have a snappy comeback.

Thor heaved a sigh, and spoke softly. "There is something that all of you deserve to know about Y/N. Is there a more private room we can speak in?"

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now